DT: When Tables are the Product

In RMarkdown documents I often have a need to display tables, which I usually try to keep small with only the most useful information displayed. However, a recent project made me look for a better way to share tabular data with non-data-scientists. The answer was R’s DT package, which allows for very powerful displays of tabular data.

Today’s data will be a summary of enrollment data from the College of Idaho:

enrollSummary <- read.csv("../../static/files/enroll-summary.csv", header=TRUE)

#packages for today

Basic Kable

Knitr’s kable() function is an excellent way to get nicely formatted tables into RMarkdown documents. It’s quick and easy to use, and is miles ahead of using print(). Here’s an example:

head(enrollSummary) %>% kable()
Crs.Name Title Sections.Offered Terms.w.Sect avg.Enroll avg.Cap
ACC-221 Financial Accounting 17 15 29.06 30.71
ACC-222 Managerial Accounting 15 15 24.53 29.27
ACC-300 Accounting Information Systems 1 1 14.00 20.00
ACC-318 Intermediate Accounting I 8 8 10.00 22.25
ACC-320 Intermediate Accounting II 5 5 4.80 23.00
ACC-320 Intermediate Accounting III 2 2 11.00 24.00

You’ll notice that I only sent the first 6 rows to kable, that’s because there are 1738 rows in the dataframe. This table also looks a little nicer than it will in a vanila RMarkdown html document because of Hugo adding some flair.

Premium Kable

As with most things in R, basic kable is nice but it’s not too hard to get a lot more with a little customization. The kableExtra package provides extra customization for kable. I use it so much that I have a short-hand function with the most standard features I use.

my_kable <- function(df){
  kable(df,"html", digits = 3) %>% 
    kable_styling( bootstrap_options = 
          c("striped", "hover","condensed", "responsive"), full_width=FALSE) 

head(enrollSummary) %>% my_kable()
Crs.Name Title Sections.Offered Terms.w.Sect avg.Enroll avg.Cap
ACC-221 Financial Accounting 17 15 29.06 30.71
ACC-222 Managerial Accounting 15 15 24.53 29.27
ACC-300 Accounting Information Systems 1 1 14.00 20.00
ACC-318 Intermediate Accounting I 8 8 10.00 22.25
ACC-320 Intermediate Accounting II 5 5 4.80 23.00
ACC-320 Intermediate Accounting III 2 2 11.00 24.00

This makes tables not span the entire page by default and adds some basic readability features. It’s definitely an improvement over kable alone for almost any table. Look into the kableExtra documentation because there’s a lot more that can be done such as coloring cells based on contents that can help add emphasis to data.

One additional improvement is the easy of wrapping the table in a scroll box:

enrollSummary %>% my_kable() %>% scroll_box(width = "85%", height = "350px")
Crs.Name Title Sections.Offered Terms.w.Sect avg.Enroll avg.Cap
ACC-221 Financial Accounting 17 15 29.06 30.71
ACC-222 Managerial Accounting 15 15 24.53 29.27
ACC-300 Accounting Information Systems 1 1 14.00 20.00
ACC-318 Intermediate Accounting I 8 8 10.00 22.25
ACC-320 Intermediate Accounting II 5 5 4.80 23.00
ACC-320 Intermediate Accounting III 2 2 11.00 24.00
ACC-323 Electronic Accounting Analysis 1 1 19.00 25.00
ACC-399T Acct Information Systems 1 1 5.00 15.00
ACC-423 Auditing 3 3 11.33 21.67
ACC-424 Tax Accounting I 6 6 10.17 22.50
ACC-425 Tax Accounting 1 1 19.00 24.00
ACC-425 Tax Accounting II 1 1 10.00 20.00
ACC-426 Fund Accounting 1 1 11.00 25.00
ACC-427 Cost Accounting 4 4 9.50 21.25
ACC-499T Advanced Accounting 2 2 4.50 22.50
ARH-200 Ancient to Medieval 1 1 11.00 25.00
ARH-330 Picasso and 20th Century Art 1 1 14.00 25.00
ART-100 Drawing & Composition 12 11 15.67 15.83
ART-100 Drawing and Composition 4 4 14.00 16.00
ART-101 Basic Painting 7 7 17.57 15.43
ART-103 Ceramics 8 8 14.12 14.25
ART-107 Digital Imaging 7 5 19.57 20.57
ART-108 Introduction to Web Design 8 5 19.62 21.00
ART-111 Ways of Seeing 1 1 9.00 5.00
ART-115 Digital Imaging 3 2 23.00 24.00
ART-120 Jewelry Making 3 3 12.67 16.00
ART-125 Introduction to Raku Ceramics 5 4 14.00 14.40
ART-128 Spirit in Art & Culture 2 2 17.50 17.50
ART-129 Web Design 3 3 23.33 24.00
ART-130 Introduction to Design 23 17 16.00 16.00
ART-131 Introduction to 2-D Media 1 1 18.00 15.00
ART-132 Three-Dimensional Design 2 2 8.00 15.00
ART-151 Introduction to 3-D Media 1 1 12.00 11.00
ART-199T Ways of Seeing 1 1 20.00 25.00
ART-199T.9 Topics: Jewelry Making 2 2 16.50 15.00
ART-201 Graphic Design 6 6 17.33 18.00
ART-201 Visual Communication I 7 4 16.14 15.43
ART-202 Visual Communication II 4 3 8.75 20.25
ART-205 Illustration & Vis Narrative 4 2 6.50 18.00
ART-207 Digital Video 3 3 9.33 16.33
ART-230 Introduction to Sculpture 5 5 13.40 13.20
ART-231 Drawing and Composition 1 1 5.00 16.00
ART-239 Ancient to Medieval 6 6 23.50 25.00
ART-240 Renaissance to Modern 6 6 23.00 25.83
ART-255 Ceramics 1 1 3.00 14.00
ART-271 Digital Imaging 1 1 13.00 18.00
ART-294 Art of Medical Illustration 1 1 1.00 5.00
ART-294 Digital Imaging Teaching Asst 1 1 1.00 5.00
ART-294F Graphic Design-Modern Inform 1 1 1.00 5.00
ART-302 Drawing the Portrait 8 4 10.75 15.50
ART-315 Printmaking 4 4 10.75 15.00
ART-320 Advanced Studio Projects 12 12 13.08 16.00
ART-321 Graphic Design Studio 3 3 9.00 20.00
ART-321 Visual Comm Advanced Studio 5 5 7.60 17.20
ART-324 Picasso & 20th Century Art 1 1 29.00 25.00
ART-325 Art of the Romantic Era 2 2 17.50 25.00
ART-326 Rembrandt and 17TH-C Dutch Art 1 1 7.00 25.00
ART-330 Figure Drawing 9 5 9.11 16.00
ART-330.1 Figure Drawing 4 2 12.50 15.00
ART-333 Figure Drawing 2 1 5.00 16.00
ART-341 Modern Art: 1850-1940 2 2 27.50 25.00
ART-342 Modern Art After 1940 5 5 24.60 25.00
ART-351 Auguste Rodin & Mod Sculpture 2 2 12.00 25.00
ART-355 Medieval Art History 1 1 17.00 25.00
ART-361 Adv Studies: Drawing 2 2 3.50 5.00
ART-365 Adv Studies: Mixed Media 2 2 4.50 3.00
ART-366 Adv Studies: Painting 2 2 4.00 4.00
ART-372 Adv Studies: Ceramics 2 2 2.00 3.00
ART-385 Web Design 1 1 4.00 18.00
ART-391 Advanced Studio Art 1 1 7.00 16.00
ART-400 Senior Exhibition 8 7 10.12 18.25
ART-411A Senior Exhibition I 1 1 10.00 16.00
ART-415 Professional Prac/Visual Arts 7 7 6.57 16.00
ART-490 Visual Stds Portfolio/Assessmt 7 7 5.29 13.71
ASN-302.2 SE Asia:Tradition& Transition 1 1 12.00 14.00
ASN-305.1 China:Trade, Commerc, Culture 1 1 14.00 14.00
ATH-101 Cultural Anthropology 8 8 33.12 35.62
ATH-128 Spirit in Art & Culture 3 3 19.67 21.67
ATH-202 Cultural Diversity 8 8 20.50 25.62
ATH-206 Native North Americans 1 1 19.00 30.00
ATH-249 Natives of South America 4 4 25.00 37.50
ATH-300 Anthropology and Art 2 2 23.00 25.00
ATH-302A Cultural Diversity 4 4 20.00 18.75
ATH-305 Culture Change & World Syst 4 4 25.00 26.25
ATH-305 Culture Change& the World Syst 1 1 31.00 30.00
ATH-306 Visual Anthropology 1 1 19.00 40.00
ATH-308 Gender/Cross Cultural Perspect 2 2 23.00 30.00
ATH-309 Cross-Cultl Approaches/Environ 4 4 28.25 30.00
ATH-404 Theories in Anthroplogy 4 4 15.25 26.25
ATH-490 Seminar in Social Research 2 2 11.00 20.00
ATHSOC-290 Seminar in Social Research 6 5 8.33 22.50
ATHSOC-490 Ath/Soc Senior Seminar 4 4 7.00 20.00
ATHSOC-492 Anthro/Soc Portfolio 4 4 2.25 25.00
ATHSOC-493 Human Service Portfolio 5 4 4.20 25.00
BIO-102 Biology of Human Disease 5 5 21.60 19.20
BIO-102L Biology of Human Disease Lab 7 6 15.29 16.00
BIO-104 Introduction to Human Anatomy 6 4 45.50 46.67
BIO-105 Intro/Physiology of Exercise 4 4 32.25 28.50
BIO-105L Intro/Physiology Exercise Lab 4 4 31.75 28.50
BIO-108 Human Genetics 2 2 19.50 20.00
BIO-109 Biology of Reproduction 2 2 15.00 16.00
BIO-109L Biology/Reproduction Lab 1 1 12.00 16.00
BIO-120 Frontiers in Biology 3 2 45.67 53.33
BIO-120L Frontiers in Biology Lab 8 2 18.12 20.00
BIO-129 Murder, Medicine, & Magic 4 4 26.50 32.00
BIO-140 Idaho Natural History 8 7 27.88 29.88
BIO-140L Idaho Natural History Lab 17 7 11.65 12.35
BIO-145 Drugs, Brains, and Behavior 1 1 20.00 16.00
BIO-145L Drugs, Brains, & Behavior Lab 1 1 20.00 16.00
BIO-159 Cellular Basis of Human Phys 7 7 26.14 33.57
BIO-159L Cell Basis of Human Phys Lab 13 7 14.00 16.85
BIO-198 Biology Colloquium 8 8 7.25 46.25
BIO-199T The Biology of Cancer 1 1 18.00 30.00
BIO-199T.4 Introduction to Neuroscience 1 1 12.00 32.00
BIO-200 Frontier/Biology:Case Studies 1 1 8.00 10.00
BIO-201 Molecules to Cells 16 7 35.25 45.50
BIO-201 Molecules to Cells With Lab 8 1 35.62 36.50
BIO-201L Molecules to Cells Lab 27 7 17.04 22.81
BIO-202 Organismal Biology 12 6 43.42 52.67
BIO-202L Organismal Biology 19 4 17.21 20.00
BIO-202L Organismal Biology Lab 12 2 16.25 21.00
BIO-203 Ecology, Evolution & Diversity 7 7 33.57 38.00
BIO-203L Ecol, Evolution&diversity Lab 13 5 12.54 14.00
BIO-203L Ecol, Evolution/Diversity Lab 6 2 11.83 14.00
BIO-210 Molecules to Cells 3 1 40.00 44.00
BIO-210L Molecules to Cell Research Lab 2 2 14.00 16.00
BIO-220 Organismal Biology 2 1 46.00 50.00
BIO-220L Organismal Biology Lab 5 1 18.40 20.00
BIO-221 Population& Ecosystem Biology 1 1 33.00 42.00
BIO-221L Population & Ecosystem Lab 3 1 11.00 14.00
BIO-224 Human A&P I 4 4 68.50 75.00
BIO-224L Human A&P I Lab 15 4 18.27 20.00
BIO-225 Human A&P II 2 2 67.00 76.00
BIO-225 Human a & P II 2 1 32.00 40.00
BIO-225L Human A&P II Lab 11 3 18.00 21.45
BIO-260 Diversity of Life 4 3 18.50 17.50
BIO-260L Diversity of Life Lab 3 3 19.67 18.00
BIO-294 Bio 201 Course Assistant 1 1 4.00 4.00
BIO-303 Human Anatomy 3 3 44.33 45.33
BIO-303 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 1 1 48.00 48.00
BIO-303L Human A & P I Laboratory 2 1 24.00 24.00
BIO-303L Human Anatomy Lab 6 3 22.17 22.67
BIO-304 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 1 1 46.00 48.00
BIO-304 Human Physiology 3 3 36.33 48.00
BIO-304L Human A & P II Laboratory 2 1 23.00 24.00
BIO-304L Human Physiology Lab 10 3 17.90 24.00
BIO-306 Conservation Biology 9 8 11.56 16.00
BIO-311 Molecular Biotechnology 1 1 4.00 14.00
BIO-311L Molecular Biotechnology Lab 2 1 4.00 14.00
BIO-316 Genetics 12 8 23.08 21.33
BIO-317 Stream Ecology 1 1 11.00 14.00
BIO-317L Stream Ecology Lab 1 1 11.00 14.00
BIO-319 Ichthyology 4 4 16.25 14.00
BIO-319L Ichthyology Lab 5 4 12.80 14.00
BIO-326 Coastal Marine Ecology 2 2 16.00 18.50
BIO-326L Coastal Marine Ecology Lab 2 2 16.00 18.50
BIO-330 Cell Biology 14 7 23.64 25.86
BIO-330L Cell Biology Lab 29 7 10.62 11.66
BIO-331 Evolution 3 2 7.33 14.00
BIO-331L Evolution Laboratory 2 2 7.00 14.00
BIO-339 Mammalogy 1 1 22.00 14.00
BIO-339L Mammalogy Lab 1 1 22.00 14.00
BIO-345 Ecology 7 7 16.00 22.00
BIO-345L Ecology Lab 11 7 10.18 14.00
BIO-346 Field Biology 2 2 13.50 17.00
BIO-346.1 Field Biology Preparation 3 3 10.67 16.67
BIO-349 Vertebrate Natural History 1 1 9.00 14.00
BIO-349L Vertebrate Natural History Lab 2 1 9.00 14.00
BIO-354 Selected Topics: Human Anatomy 5 5 3.00 6.00
BIO-354L SelectTop:Human Anatomy Lab 8 5 1.88 3.25
BIO-357 Molecular Biology 1 1 12.00 12.00
BIO-360 Microbiology 7 7 37.71 41.14
BIO-360L Microbiology Lab 18 7 14.67 16.00
BIO-361 Pathobiology 10 8 18.40 24.00
BIO-365 Immunology 4 4 17.50 24.00
BIO-371 Endocrinology 3 3 9.00 21.33
BIO-372 Developmental Biology 2 2 4.00 18.00
BIO-372L Developmental Biology Lab 1 1 4.00 12.00
BIO-374 Animal Physiology 8 8 20.75 23.25
BIO-374L Animal Physiology Lab 16 8 10.50 12.38
BIO-376 Neurophysiology 2 2 10.00 18.00
BIO-376L Neurophysiology Lab 3 2 6.33 12.00
BIO-377 Physiology of Extremes 1 1 4.00 12.00
BIO-395 Research Methods/Techniques 10 9 6.20 9.80
BIO-399T Molecular Biology of Cancer 1 1 10.00 32.00
BIO-399T.2 Neurobiology 1 1 15.00 32.00
BIO-399T.2L Neurobiology Lab 2 1 7.50 16.00
BIO-400 BioSem:Evolution/Intermt West 1 1 6.00 16.00
BIO-400 Biosem:biodiver/Hum Health 1 1 10.00 16.00
BIO-450 Biology Capstone Seminar 14 13 13.36 16.00
BIO-490 Human A&p I Lab Assistant 1 1 4.00 4.00
BIO-490 Laboratory Assistant 46 11 1.98 4.00
BIO-499 Senior Comprehensive Exam 13 13 13.08 49.69
BUS-100 Introduction to Business 30 14 27.77 26.00
BUS-130 Personal Finance 5 4 24.80 37.00
BUS-130 Personal Finance: 2nd 6WKS 1 1 10.00 25.00
BUS-150 Business Computer Applications 34 17 24.09 24.68
BUS-151 Acc Bus Computer Apps 1st 6-WK 1 1 17.00 24.00
BUS-151 Acc Bus Computer Apps 2nd 6-WK 1 1 3.00 25.00
BUS-200 Small Business Management 6 6 26.83 25.00
BUS-225 Principles of Management 10 7 27.90 23.00
BUS-270 Principles of Economics 10 8 24.10 28.00
BUS-299T Agricultural Markets & Pricing 1 1 22.00 25.00
BUS-299T Business Comm and Negotiation 1 1 25.00 25.00
BUS-299T Business Comm. & Negotiations 1 1 12.00 25.00
BUS-299T Farm Management 2 1 17.00 25.00
BUS-299T Leadership in Business 1 1 22.00 25.00
BUS-299T Special Topics in Business 1 1 20.00 25.00
BUS-325 Principles of Management 6 6 28.50 30.83
BUS-330 Principles of Finance 15 15 21.73 23.93
BUS-332 Financial Institutions 1 1 8.00 25.00
BUS-340 International Business 4 4 18.50 25.00
BUS-350 Management Science 13 13 20.54 23.62
BUS-357 Organizational Behavior 2 2 11.00 25.00
BUS-360 Principles of Marketing 15 15 26.27 25.93
BUS-366 Marketing Communication 4 4 12.25 23.50
BUS-370 Social Entrepreneur ENACTUS 1 1 16.00 25.00
BUS-371 Social Innovation and Impact 1 1 15.00 25.00
BUS-385.1 Management Information Systems 1 1 6.00 20.00
BUS-391 Legal Environment 14 14 27.29 29.64
BUS-391 Legal Environment of Business 1 1 31.00 30.00
BUS-399T International Business 1 1 11.00 25.00
BUS-399T Internnational Business Prep 1 1 12.00 13.00
BUS-399T.6 International Business/France 1 1 12.00 15.00
BUS-399T.7 International Business/France 1 1 12.00 16.00
BUS-430 Advanced Financial Management 1 1 6.00 25.00
BUS-432 Investment Theory & Practice 1 1 6.00 25.00
BUS-432 Investment Theory& Practice 6 6 6.67 24.67
BUS-438 Financial Problems 2 2 5.00 25.00
BUS-444 International Finance 2 2 6.00 25.00
BUS-451 Building Community Partnership 1 1 3.00 25.00
BUS-453 Prin/Product & Ops Management 2 2 9.00 25.00
BUS-453 Prin/Product& Ops Management 3 3 7.67 25.00
BUS-460 Social Media Marketing 2 2 11.50 25.00
BUS-461 Marketing Research 2 2 8.50 25.00
BUS-466 Consumer Behavior 4 4 14.50 25.00
BUS-469 Marketing Strategy 4 3 15.50 20.00
BUS-483 Project Management 8 6 18.88 22.50
BUS-491 Business& Accounting Capstone 1 1 42.00 40.00
BUS-492 Business& Accounting Capstone 1 1 37.00 40.00
BUS-492 Capstone: Junior Experience 11 7 15.18 16.73
BUS-493 Capstone: Senior Seminar 7 7 20.57 24.14
BUS-498 Executive Seminar 1 1 8.00 25.00
BUS-499 Business & Accounting Capstone 6 6 17.17 25.00
BUS-499T Business Valuation 1 1 5.00 25.00
BUS-499T Equities Valuation 2 2 5.00 25.00
BUS-499T Equitites Valuation 1 1 5.00 5.00
CHE-124 Forensic Science 2 2 24.00 24.00
CHE-124L Forensic Science Lab 3 3 24.00 24.00
CHE-141 General Chemistry I 57 8 18.60 24.00
CHE-141L General Chemistry I Lab 10 2 21.40 24.00
CHE-142 General Chemistry II 36 7 19.00 23.14
CHE-142L General Chemistry II Lab 8 2 22.62 23.50
CHE-252 Analytical Chemistry I 6 6 12.67 21.50
CHE-252 Quant Analysis & Equilibrium 2 2 12.00 18.00
CHE-252L Analytical Chemistry I Lab 6 6 12.67 22.17
CHE-252L Quant Analysis&equilibrium Lab 2 2 12.00 18.00
CHE-301 Organic Chemistry 3 3 56.00 60.00
CHE-301 Organic Chemistry I 5 5 42.00 52.00
CHE-301L Organic Chemistry I Lab 19 5 15.42 18.84
CHE-301L Organic Chemistry Lab 20 5 17.00 20.00
CHE-302 Organic Chemistry 2 2 35.00 40.00
CHE-302 Organic Chemistry II 6 5 27.00 41.33
CHE-302L Organic Chemistry II Lab 7 5 12.14 20.57
CHE-302L Organic Chemistry Lab 7 5 16.86 20.57
CHE-352 Analytical Chemistry II 6 6 9.50 15.67
CHE-352L Analytical Chemistry Lab II 9 6 7.22 12.33
CHE-394.4 SpecTop:Organic Spec Strct De 1 1 9.00 16.00
CHE-395 Chemistry Research 15 10 1.60 8.00
CHE-401 Chemical Dynamics 8 4 10.00 13.00
CHE-401L Chemical Dynamics Lab 7 4 10.71 13.14
CHE-412 Biochemistry 7 7 33.71 29.71
CHE-412L Biochemistry Laboratory 7 7 9.29 11.86
CHE-420 Inorganic Chemistry 3 3 5.33 14.00
CHE-420L Inorganic Chemistry Lab 3 3 5.33 14.00
CHE-464 Physical Chemistry I 1 1 10.00 12.00
CHE-464L Physical Chemistry I Lab 1 1 10.00 12.00
CHE-465 Physical Chemistry II 1 1 9.00 12.00
CHE-465L Physical Chemistry II Lab 2 1 9.00 12.00
CHE-490 Laboratory Assistant 5 4 1.00 4.00
CHE-495 Chemistry Research 1 1 1.00 16.00
CHE-499T Capstone Experience in Chem 1 1 4.00 16.00
CHE-499T Free Radicals in Organic Chem 2 1 4.00 10.00
CHI-101 Chinese Language I 2 1 4.00 20.00
CHI-199T Beginning Chinese Review 1 1 10.00 12.00
CHI-199T Chinese Gram & Phonetics Rev 1 1 6.00 20.00
CHI-199T Chinese Language & Culture I 2 1 7.00 20.00
CHI-199T ST: Chinese Lang & Culture 1 1 3.00 20.00
CHI-199T ST: Chinese Lang & Culture II 2 1 6.00 20.00
CHI-199T Special Topics: Chinese 1 1 2.00 20.00
CSC-150 Computer Science I 29 15 15.62 20.55
CSC-151 Computer Science II 8 4 8.00 20.00
CSC-152 Computer Science II 4 4 14.00 20.00
CSC-160 Intro to Computer Architecture 4 4 15.25 22.00
CSC-231 Computer Arch& Assembl Lang I 1 1 8.00 25.00
CSC-232 Special Programming Languages 1 1 8.00 20.00
CSC-235 Programming Languages 3 3 11.00 22.67
CSC-270 Applied Databases 4 4 14.75 18.00
CSC-331 Computer Arch& Assembl Lang II 1 1 4.00 20.00
CSC-333 Data Structure& Algorithms 1 1 6.00 20.00
CSC-340 Design & Analysis of Algorithm 2 2 13.00 22.00
CSC-350 Formal Languages and Automata 2 2 7.00 25.00
CSC-440 Intro to Operating Systems 1 1 4.00 20.00
CSC-455 Numerical Computation 2 2 3.50 24.50
CSC-480 Software Eng & Sr. Design I 4 4 4.25 23.50
CSC-481 Software Eng & Sr Design II 1 1 4.00 10.00
CSC-482 Software Eng & Sr Design III 3 3 5.33 24.67
CSC-490 Topics in Computer Science 2 2 6.50 22.00
ECN-200 Principles of Economics 8 5 23.62 24.50
ECN-299T Agricultural Markets & Pricing 1 1 7.00 25.00
ECO-271 Principles of Microeconomics 1 1 59.00 99.00
ECO-272 Principles of Macroeconomics 1 1 45.00 60.00
EDU-100 Self & Schooling 2 2 5.00 25.00
EDU-202 Introduction to Teaching 17 15 18.53 26.47
EDU-249 Researching Schools 1 1 6.00 25.00
EDU-253 Language Development& Literacy 4 4 6.50 25.00
EDU-300 Schools & Society 4 3 15.25 25.00
EDU-300 Schools and Society 2 2 7.50 25.00
EDU-301 Foundations of Schooling 15 15 13.20 25.00
EDU-304 Literacy Development 7 7 11.14 25.00
EDU-305 Literacy in Content Areas 13 13 11.08 25.00
EDU-306 Writing Process and Assessment 3 3 11.33 25.00
EDU-350 Lit for Children & Adolescents 3 3 19.33 25.00
EDU-352 Diagnosis & Remediation 4 4 7.00 25.00
EDU-398 Pract in FL/ESL/Bilingual Ed 5 5 1.20 9.00
EDU-430 Teaching in a Diverse Society 7 7 20.00 25.00
EDU-441 Curriculum & Instruction 5 5 22.00 25.00
EDU-441 Curriculum and Instruction 2 2 12.50 25.00
EDU-442 Teaching Exceptional Children 8 8 19.50 25.00
EDU-444 2nd Lang Acquisition Theory 3 3 3.00 19.33
EDU-445 For Lang, ESL& Bilingual Meth 2 2 3.00 25.00
EDU-446 Linguistics/Language Teachers 4 4 6.50 20.00
EDU-447 Foundations/Bilingual Ed/ESL 2 2 3.00 14.50
EDU-451 Practicum in Reading 5 5 3.20 25.00
EDU-501 Teaching in a Diverse Society 2 2 10.50 25.00
EDU-501F Teaching in a Diverse Society 2 2 9.50 25.00
EDU-501W Teaching in a Diverse Society 2 2 9.50 25.00
EDU-502 Foundatins/Bilingual& ESL Ed 5 5 8.20 20.80
EDU-503 2nd Lan Acquisitn Theory/Prac 3 3 10.00 25.00
EDU-505 ESL & Bilingual Methods 4 4 9.00 25.00
EDU-512 Linguistics 4 4 10.25 17.50
EDU-520 Assessment for Learning 9 7 10.67 25.00
EDU-530 Art Method/Elementary Teachers 7 7 7.14 25.00
EDU-532 Lang Arts Meth/Elemen Teachers 7 7 7.14 23.57
EDU-533 Soc Studies Meth/Elem Teachers 7 7 7.14 23.57
EDU-534 Science Meth/Elemen Teachers 7 7 7.29 25.00
EDU-540 Art Methods/Secondary Teachers 4 4 1.75 25.00
EDU-541 Science Methods/Secon Teachers 5 5 1.40 25.00
EDU-542 Math Methods/Second Teachers 6 6 1.50 25.00
EDU-543 Soc Studies Meth/Sec Teachers 6 6 2.67 25.00
EDU-544 Lang Arts Meths/Sec Teachers 6 6 2.33 25.00
EDU-546 Music Methods for Elem Teacher 2 2 2.00 20.00
EDU-593 Apprchs to Teaching Holocaust 1 1 5.00 50.00
EDU-593 Bk Stdy:Understanding Poverty 1 1 19.00 50.00
EDU-593 Book Study Book by Paul Tough 1 1 52.00 50.00
EDU-593 Book Study: Filling the Holes 1 1 15.00 50.00
EDU-593 Book Study: Switch 1 1 15.00 50.00
EDU-593 Book Study:Mindset 1 1 45.00 50.00
EDU-593 Boys Adrift Book Study 1 1 5.00 50.00
EDU-593 Brain Rules: a Book Study 1 1 7.00 50.00
EDU-593 C3wp 1 1 8.00 50.00
EDU-593 CHAMPS: Classroom Managment 1 1 13.00 50.00
EDU-593 Caldwell Summer Institute 1 1 78.00 50.00
EDU-593 Classroom Mgnmt for Teachers 1 1 3.00 50.00
EDU-593 Classroom Mngt & Comm Tools 1 1 66.00 50.00
EDU-593 Common Core Writ Strategies 1 1 31.00 50.00
EDU-593 Common Formative Assessments 1 1 9.00 50.00
EDU-593 Conscious Classroom Mngment 1 1 50.00 50.00
EDU-593 Coop Edu NW and MSD 1 1 11.00 50.00
EDU-593 Core Reading Academy 1 1 4.00 50.00
EDU-593 Creating Tribes Learning Comm 1 1 11.00 50.00
EDU-593 Creating Tribes Lrning Comm 1 1 17.00 50.00
EDU-593 Creating Tribes Lrning Commun. 1 1 18.00 50.00
EDU-593 Creating a Trauma-Sensitive Cl 2 1 3.00 50.00
EDU-593 Creative Schools Book Study 1 1 3.00 50.00
EDU-593 Crucial Conversations 1 1 9.00 50.00
EDU-593 Csd Core Reading Academy 1 1 44.00 50.00
EDU-593 Daily Five: Dev Literacy Ind 1 1 11.00 50.00
EDU-593 Data Analysis/Cross Collab 1 1 19.00 50.00
EDU-593 Data Into Action 1 1 37.00 50.00
EDU-593 Deer Flat Refuge Partnership 1 1 2.00 50.00
EDU-593 Developing Ldrship Capacity 1 1 8.00 50.00
EDU-593 Finding Plc Personal Strengths 1 1 20.00 999.00
EDU-593 Fostering Resilient Learners 1 1 22.00 50.00
EDU-593 Foundations for Educators 1 1 4.00 50.00
EDU-593 Google Apps for Education 1 1 1.00 50.00
EDU-593 High Impact Instruction: Frame 1 1 7.00 50.00
EDU-593 Ident Details Danielson Frmwk 1 1 34.00 50.00
EDU-593 Implementing Daily 5 in Classr 1 1 8.00 50.00
EDU-593 Integrating Technology 1 1 4.00 50.00
EDU-593 Interactive Whiteboard Lessons 1 1 5.00 50.00
EDU-593 Introduction to Schoology 1 1 4.00 50.00
EDU-593 Leading Difficult Conversation 1 1 9.00 50.00
EDU-593 Learning & Teaching Holocaust 1 1 6.00 50.00
EDU-593 Learning Through Feedback 1 1 12.00 50.00
EDU-593 Lee Pesky Writing/ELA 1 1 31.00 50.00
EDU-593 Monday Morning Mentoring 2 2 18.00 50.00
EDU-593 Pesky Writing 1 1 13.00 50.00
EDU-593 Project GLAD 5 3 23.40 50.00
EDU-593 Project Glad 1 1 9.00 50.00
EDU-593 Region III Assessment Literacy 1 1 3.00 50.00
EDU-593 Strat Fot Tchg Ccws 1 1 21.00 50.00
EDU-593 Teachscape Eval Model: Admin 1 1 9.00 50.00
EDU-593 Teachscape-TET 1 1 34.00 50.00
EDU-593 Tech Integration in the Clsrm 1 1 1.00 50.00
EDU-593 Thinking Maps: Lang for Learn 1 1 3.00 50.00
EDU-593 Tools for Teaching 1 1 5.00 50.00
EDU-593 Visible Learn & Growth Mindset 1 1 23.00 50.00
EDU-593 Visible Lrning Bk Study Ldrshp 1 1 8.00 50.00
EDU-593 Web Design for Educators 1 1 9.00 50.00
EDU-593 Young Adult Lit & App Biblio 1 1 8.00 50.00
EDU-593.42 The Anatomy/Peace: Resolv Con 1 1 6.00 25.00
EDU-593.46 Teach Like a Champion 1 1 19.00 25.00
EDU-593.47 Transformative Assesmnt/Action 1 1 36.00 25.00
EDU-593.48 JMS Ldrshp Team-School Plan 1 1 15.00 25.00
EDU-593.49 Tribes II:School Learning Co 1 1 13.00 25.00
EDU-593.50 Reading Excellence:Learn Team 2 1 8.00 25.00
EDU-593.51 Induction/Primary Yrs Prog-IB 1 1 7.00 25.00
EDU-593.52 IB: PYP Exhibition 1 1 1.00 25.00
EDU-593.53 Total Participation Techniques 1 1 38.00 50.00
EDU-593.54 Professional Learning Team 1 1 18.00 30.00
EDU-593.55 Common Core State Stan Implemt 1 1 73.00 75.00
EDU-593.62 Leveraging Read-Write Connect 1 1 5.00 25.00
EDU-593.63 Contemporary Issues in Educ 1 1 1.00 25.00
EDU-593.64 Book Study: What Great Teacher 1 1 35.00 25.00
EDU-593.66 Teachscape-Reflective Teaching 1 1 37.00 25.00
EDU-593.67 Com Core St Stnd Teach Toolbox 1 1 8.00 25.00
EDU-593.68 Project GLAD 1 1 9.00 25.00
EDU-593.69 Fred Jones Tools for Teaching 1 1 2.00 25.00
EDU-593.71 Leadership of Educators 1 1 23.00 25.00
EDU-593.72 Differentiation for Educators 1 1 14.00 25.00
EDU-593.73 Expl Instr to Critical Think 1 1 37.00 25.00
EDU-593.74 Integrating Tech in Classroom 1 1 14.00 25.00
EDU-593.75 Web Design for Educators 1 1 11.00 25.00
EDU-595 Elementary School Practicum 34 15 3.00 25.00
EDU-595F Elementary School Practicum 4 2 2.75 25.00
EDU-595S Elementary School Practicum 2 2 7.00 25.00
EDU-595W Elementary School Practicum 1 1 9.00 25.00
EDU-596 Secondary School Practicum 46 15 2.28 25.00
EDU-596F Secondary School Practicum 1 1 6.00 25.00
EDU-596S Secondary School Practicum 2 2 6.50 25.00
EDU-596W Secondary School Practicum 1 1 6.00 25.00
EDU-597 Internship Seminar 16 15 13.19 25.00
EDU-597F Internship Seminar 1 1 14.00 25.00
EDU-597S Internship Seminar 2 2 13.50 25.00
EDU-597W Internship Seminar 1 1 15.00 25.00
EDU-598 Field Experience 2 2 4.00 25.00
EDU-599 Practicum 3 3 10.67 25.00
EDU-599 Practicum in ESL/Bilingual Ed 1 1 10.00 25.00
EDU-681 Thesis Completion 12 8 1.42 8.33
EDU-697 MAT Seminar 16 15 4.81 25.00
EDU-697F MAT Seminar 1 1 6.00 25.00
EDU-697S MAT Seminar 2 2 4.50 25.00
EDU-697W MAT Seminar 1 1 6.00 25.00
EDU-698 M.Ed. Seminar 8 8 6.38 25.00
EDUSPA-101 Spanish for Educators I 4 4 9.75 25.00
EDUSPA-102 Spanish for Educators II 3 3 9.67 25.00
EDUSPA-103 Spanish for Educators III 4 4 9.75 25.00
ENG-100 College Writing 30 8 11.07 14.27
ENG-210 Shakespearean Comedy 3 3 18.67 25.00
ENG-211 Weird Shakespeare 3 3 20.00 25.00
ENG-212 Introduction to Shakespeare 5 5 16.40 24.80
ENG-213 Intro to Arthurian Literature 1 1 20.00 25.00
ENG-218 World War I & Mod Literature 1 1 15.00 25.00
ENG-219 Thief Making and Thief Taking 1 1 26.00 25.00
ENG-219 Thief-making and Thief-taking 4 4 23.75 25.00
ENG-220 Regional British Isles 1 1 11.00 25.00
ENG-225 Asia Through Its Movies 5 5 22.00 25.00
ENG-228 Closely Reading Poems 1 1 14.00 25.00
ENG-230 Lit of the American West 1 1 11.00 25.00
ENG-231 Native American Fiction 2 2 5.50 25.00
ENG-232 The Literature of Slavery 2 2 23.00 25.00
ENG-233 The Literature of Immigrants 2 2 19.00 25.00
ENG-235 Prose & Cons 1 1 30.00 25.00
ENG-235 Prose and Cons 1 1 25.00 25.00
ENG-237 Money in Literature 3 3 23.67 25.00
ENG-238 Old& New:Premod Text& Mod Res 1 1 24.00 25.00
ENG-238 Old/New-Premod Texts/Mod Resp 1 1 12.00 25.00
ENG-239 Visions of Environment 7 7 24.57 25.00
ENG-240 The Fantastic in Japanese Lit 2 2 8.00 25.00
ENG-245 Poetry Writing Workshop 4 4 14.00 18.00
ENG-246 Fiction Writing Workshop 6 6 14.83 18.00
ENG-247 Creat Nonfiction Writ Wkshp 5 5 15.00 18.00
ENG-280 Theory & Method Study of Lit 4 4 13.00 25.00
ENG-280 Theory& Method in Study of Lit 3 3 24.67 25.00
ENG-306 The Seventeenth Century Lyric 1 1 11.00 25.00
ENG-307 Origins & Traditions Engl Lit 2 2 12.50 22.50
ENG-307 Sem:Origins&Tradition Eng Lit 1 1 15.00 25.00
ENG-308 Rival Playwrights 1 1 13.00 25.00
ENG-309 The Epic Tradition 1 1 21.00 25.00
ENG-310 English Renaissance Literature 1 1 14.00 25.00
ENG-311 Drama of Early Modern Europe 1 1 3.00 20.00
ENG-315 Ghosties & Ghoulies 1 1 8.00 20.00
ENG-315 Sem: Supernatural in Brit Lit 1 1 25.00 25.00
ENG-315 Supernatural in British Lit 1 1 25.00 25.00
ENG-316 The Brontes 2 2 16.00 25.00
ENG-317 19th-Century British Fiction 2 2 18.00 22.50
ENG-319 Seminar:19th-C Lit/Brit Isles 1 1 13.00 25.00
ENG-323 Postcolonial Studies 2 2 16.00 25.00
ENG-324 Narratives Against Oppression 1 1 22.00 25.00
ENG-325 Constructing World Literatures 1 1 19.00 25.00
ENG-325 Sem:Constructing World Lits 1 1 14.00 18.00
ENG-329 Inventing America 1 1 16.00 25.00
ENG-329 Sem: Inventing America 1 1 24.00 25.00
ENG-330 African American Literature 1 1 20.00 25.00
ENG-330 Sem: African American Lit 1 1 22.00 25.00
ENG-332 Adrienne Rich 2 2 9.00 25.00
ENG-332 Seminar: Adrienne Rich 1 1 29.00 25.00
ENG-333 Hemingway & Faulkner 1 1 20.00 25.00
ENG-335 American Renaissance 1 1 27.00 25.00
ENG-337 American Peotry and Poetics 1 1 4.00 25.00
ENG-338 Postmodern Literature 2 2 12.50 25.00
ENG-344 Author Seminar: Thoreau 1 1 14.00 20.00
ENG-345 Advanced Poetry Writing Worksh 4 4 9.00 18.00
ENG-346 Advanced Fiction Writing Wkshp 7 5 10.29 18.00
ENG-347 Adv Creat Nonfiction Writ Wksp 4 4 11.50 18.00
ENG-490 Literary Research Practicum 1 1 2.00 10.00
ENG-496 Creative Writing Capstone Sem 7 7 5.00 15.43
ENG-498 Senior Thesis Seminar in Lit 7 7 6.00 25.00
ENV-151 Intro to Human Geography 4 4 23.25 31.50
ENV-160 Environmental Science I 5 5 28.80 27.60
ENV-160 Physical Environmental Systems 2 2 26.00 25.00
ENV-160L Environmental Science I Lab 10 5 14.00 13.80
ENV-160L Phys Env Systems Laboratory 2 1 13.50 13.00
ENV-200 Nature & Culture 6 5 36.00 39.67
ENV-200 Nature and Culture 2 2 23.00 24.50
ENV-260 Biological Env Interactions 3 3 15.00 20.67
ENV-260 Environmental Science II 5 5 15.60 18.80
ENV-260L Env Interactions Laboratory 5 3 9.00 12.40
ENV-260L Environmental Science II Lab 6 5 13.00 15.67
ENV-330 Working Landscapes 1 1 5.00 20.00
ENV-350 Int Geographic Info Sys (GIS) 7 5 15.14 14.00
ENV-350L Int Geographic Info Syst Lab 8 5 10.50 9.88
ENV-355 Urban Geography 1 1 5.00 25.00
ENV-357 Applied Cartography 1 1 5.00 30.00
ENV-389 Scotland Abroad Prep 2 2 9.50 10.00
ENV-399T.1 Slow Food in Italy 1 1 9.00 12.00
ENV-402 Senior Capstone 7 7 11.86 23.43
ENV-499T ST: Advanced GIS 1 1 5.00 25.00
ENV-499T Sp Tps: Advanced Gis 1 1 3.00 25.00
ESL-101 English As a Second Language I 7 7 5.14 10.71
ESL-102 English As Second Language II 2 2 7.50 10.00
FRE-101 French Language & Culture I 6 3 11.00 20.00
FRE-101 French Language and Culture I 6 3 10.00 20.00
FRE-101 French Language& Culture I 4 2 15.00 20.00
FRE-101REV French Gramm& Phonetics Review 5 5 6.20 21.00
FRE-102 French Language & Culture II 4 3 9.75 20.00
FRE-102 French Language and Culture II 4 2 9.00 20.00
FRE-102 French Language& Culture II 4 2 10.00 20.00
FRE-201 French Language& Civ III 6 6 5.67 20.00
FRE-201 French Language& Culture III 2 2 7.50 20.00
FRE-202 French Language & Culture IV 3 3 6.67 20.00
FRE-202 French Language and Culture IV 2 2 5.50 20.00
FRE-202 French Language& Culture IV 2 2 8.00 20.00
FRE-299 Intermed Readings in French 2 2 7.00 20.00
FRE-301 French Comp & Conversation 5 5 3.60 20.00
FRE-301 French Comp & Conversation I 3 3 5.33 20.00
FRE-302 French Comp & Conversation 3 3 4.00 20.00
FRE-302 French Comp & Conversation II 1 1 5.00 20.00
FRE-302 French Comp& Conversation II 2 2 5.00 20.00
FRE-333 French & Francophone Lit 2 2 4.00 15.00
FYS-101 Education, School & Care Ethic 1 1 15.00 15.00
FYS-101 FYS: Betwixt and Between 1 1 16.00 18.00
FYS-101 FYS: Eat, Read, Be 1 1 16.00 18.00
FYS-101 FYS: Food for Thought 2 1 19.00 18.00
FYS-101 FYS: Guns & Violence in U.S. 1 1 19.00 18.00
FYS-101 FYS: Language-A User’s Guide 2 1 18.50 18.00
FYS-101 FYS: Language: a User’s Guide 2 1 6.00 18.00
FYS-101 FYS: Media Literacy 1 1 14.00 18.00
FYS-101 FYS: Migration & Identity 3 2 15.00 13.33
FYS-101 FYS: Migration and Identity 1 1 12.00 18.00
FYS-101 FYS: Monsters Under Your Bed 2 1 16.50 18.00
FYS-101 FYS: Plato’s Republic 1 1 15.00 18.00
FYS-101 FYS: Politcal Ideology & Arg 1 1 17.00 18.00
FYS-101 FYS: Psychology for Life 2 2 17.50 18.00
FYS-101 FYS: Reading & Writing Sport 2 2 22.50 18.00
FYS-101 FYS: Reading America 2 1 11.00 13.00
FYS-101 FYS: The News Comes to You 3 3 18.00 18.00
FYS-101 FYS: Travel Writing 3 3 17.00 18.00
FYS-101 FYS: War and Humanity 2 1 17.50 18.00
FYS-101 FYS: Women in American West 2 1 17.00 18.00
FYS-101 FYS:Attachment & Developement 1 1 17.00 18.00
FYS-101 FYS:Betwixt and Between 1 1 13.00 18.00
FYS-101 FYS:Education,School & Ethics 1 1 16.00 18.00
FYS-101 FYS:Human Rights&Soc Activism 2 1 12.00 18.00
FYS-101 FYS:Plato’s Republic 1 1 14.00 18.00
FYS-101 FYS:Reading & Writing Sport 1 1 14.00 18.00
FYS-101 First-Year Seminar 65 11 15.34 17.23
FYS-101 Food for Thought 2 1 14.50 15.00
FYS-101 Islam & Black Lives in America 2 1 13.50 15.00
FYS-101 Migration and Identity 1 1 14.00 15.00
FYS-101 Que Viva la Chica Latina! 1 1 13.00 15.00
FYS-101 Reading and Writing Sport 1 1 15.00 15.00
FYS-101 The News Comes to You 1 1 15.00 15.00
FYS-101 Travel Writing 1 1 15.00 15.00
FYS-101 Women in the American West 3 1 14.00 15.00
FYS-110 First-Yr Seminar-Gipson Fellow 5 5 12.20 20.00
GEO-101 Physical Geology 8 8 19.38 23.25
GEO-101L Physical Geology Lab 12 8 12.92 14.33
GEO-150 Physical Geography 4 4 24.50 25.75
GEO-310 Earth’s Dynamic Climate System 3 3 9.00 29.33
GEO-320 Watershed Hydrology 2 2 9.50 28.00
GEO-410 Geomorphology 1 1 2.00 14.00
GEO-410L Geomorphology Laboratory 1 1 2.00 14.00
GER-121 German Language & Culture I 2 1 5.00 20.00
GER-121 German Language& Culture I 4 2 9.00 20.00
GER-121REV German Gramm& Phonetics Review 3 3 4.33 20.00
GER-122 German Language & Culture II 2 1 3.00 20.00
GER-122 German Language& Culture II 4 2 6.00 20.00
GER-201 German Lang & Civilization III 2 2 4.50 20.00
GER-201 German Language& Culture III 2 2 3.00 20.00
GER-202 German Language & Culture IV 2 2 5.50 20.00
GER-202 German Language& Culture IV 2 2 3.00 20.00
GER-299 Intermed Readings in German 2 2 3.50 17.50
GER-301 German Comp & Conversation 1 1 4.00 20.00
GER-301 German Comp & Conversation I 2 2 4.00 20.00
GER-302 German Comp& Conversation 1 1 4.00 20.00
GER-302 German Comp& Conversation II 2 2 4.00 20.00
GOG-199T ST: Intro to Human Geography 1 1 23.00 24.00
HHP-102 First Aid & CPR 11 5 17.55 19.27
HHP-106 Intro to Human A & P 7 7 31.00 33.71
HHP-106L Intro to Human A & P Lab 14 7 15.71 17.86
HHP-151 Personal Fitness 14 13 21.64 32.64
HHP-151 Personal Fitness-1st 6 WKS 2 2 14.00 30.00
HHP-170 Team Sports Skills 10 8 23.90 28.20
HHP-171 Lifetime/Leisure Activities 10 7 25.30 25.00
HHP-200 Foundations/Physical Education 4 4 26.75 38.75
HHP-202 Sports Officiating 9 7 28.00 31.56
HHP-203 Human Health & Nutrition 2 2 37.00 35.00
HHP-203 Human Health & Wellness 7 5 31.00 29.29
HHP-210 Coaching Methods 7 7 28.43 29.00
HHP-244 Care & Prevention of Injury 8 8 26.75 28.75
HHP-280 Medical Terminology 1 1 12.00 12.00
HHP-300 Applied Sport Psychology 7 7 33.14 32.14
HHP-304 Motor Learning 7 7 32.57 31.43
HHP-312 Health/Fitness& Exer Prescript 4 4 12.00 27.50
HHP-312 Hlth Fitness & Exerc Prescript 4 2 30.00 30.00
HHP-314 Research Methods in Kinesiolog 8 7 22.25 33.75
HHP-317 Drug Use & Abuse 6 6 30.50 31.67
HHP-318 Applied Nutrition 4 4 19.25 28.50
HHP-318 Nutrition 2 2 32.00 30.00
HHP-319 Mech Analysis of Sport 7 6 24.00 25.71
HHP-319 Mechanical Analysis of Sport 4 2 27.00 30.00
HHP-324 Managmnt/PE, Rec, & Athletics 2 2 11.00 25.00
HHP-324 Mgmt of PE, Rec & Athletics 2 2 21.50 30.00
HHP-328 Elem Curric Plan/Health& P E 5 4 7.80 23.00
HHP-329 Second Curric Planning in P E 4 4 6.75 21.25
HHP-343 Physiology of Exercise 7 5 11.14 24.14
HHP-343 Physiology of Exercise I 3 3 22.00 24.67
HHP-343L Physiology of Exercise I Lab 7 3 9.43 10.57
HHP-343L Physiology of Exercise Lab 10 5 5.70 11.70
HHP-350 Org& Admin School Health Progr 2 2 2.00 25.00
HHP-351 Instructional Method in Health 4 4 5.50 25.00
HHP-408 Adult Fitness Programming 7 5 4.00 20.00
HHP-410 Exercise Metabolism 7 5 7.71 21.43
HHP-410L Exercise Metabolism Lab 1 1 11.00 12.00
HHP-411 Cardiopulmonary Physiology 4 3 6.00 20.00
HHP-424 Stress Test& ECG Interpretatn 2 2 6.50 25.00
HHP-434 Adapted Physical Education 4 4 16.00 28.75
HHP-496 Collaborative Research 3 3 4.00 9.33
HHP-497 Physical Therapy Clinical 1 1 2.00 2.00
HHP-498 Sport Science Seminar 7 7 9.86 21.43
HHP-499 Health Sciences Seminar 9 9 17.56 20.22
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics Basketball 1 1 1.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics Mens Soccer 1 1 4.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Baseball 2 2 3.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Basketball 1 1 2.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Cheer 1 1 1.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Football 3 3 5.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Golf 1 1 4.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: M Lacrosse 1 1 4.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Men’s Bball 1 1 1.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Men’s Bsktb 1 1 3.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Men’s Golf 2 2 1.50 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Mens Lacros 1 1 6.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Mens Soccer 2 2 1.50 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Ski 1 1 2.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Skiing 3 2 1.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Softball 3 3 1.67 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Swim 1 1 1.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Swimming 3 3 2.33 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Track 1 1 5.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Volleyball 3 3 2.67 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: WBBall 1 1 2.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Wmn’s Bball 1 1 2.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Wmn’s Golf 1 1 1.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Wmn’s Socce 1 1 2.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Wmns BBall 1 1 1.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Wmns Soccer 1 1 1.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics: Wms Soccer 1 1 4.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics:Baseball 1 1 7.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics:Basketball 1 1 1.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics:Football 1 1 2.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics:Golf 1 1 1.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics:Lacrosse 1 1 1.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics:Ski 1 1 3.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics:Softball 3 3 1.33 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics:Track 1 1 2.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics:Volleyball 1 1 2.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics:W Soccer 1 1 2.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics:W.Soccer 1 1 5.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics:baseball 1 1 2.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics:football 1 1 4.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Athletics:wmn’s Tennis 1 1 1.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Varsity Track & Field 1 1 2.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Vrsty Athletics: Mens Xcountry 1 1 1.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Vrsy Athletics: Men’s Lacross 1 1 3.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Vsty Athletics: Men’s O Track 1 1 4.00 25.00
HHPA-100 Vsty Athletics: Wmn’s O Track 1 1 3.00 25.00
HHPA-102 Baseball Conditioning 1 1 1.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Varsity Conditioning: Baseball 1 1 2.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Varsity Conditioning: W Socce 1 1 3.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Varsity Conditioning:Baseball 1 1 1.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Varsity Conditioning:Football 1 1 1.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Varsity Conditioning:Golf 2 2 1.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Varsity Conditioning:Lacrosse 1 1 2.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Varsity Conditioning:Softball 1 1 1.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Varsity Conditioning:T & F 1 1 1.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Varsity Conditioning:Tennis 1 1 1.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Varsity Conditioning:Track 1 1 1.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Varsity Conditioning:X-Countr 1 1 1.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Varsity Conditioning:volleybal 1 1 3.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Varsity Sports Cond: Softball 1 1 1.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Varsity Sports Conditioning 1 1 1.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Vrsty Conditioning: Football 1 1 4.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Vrsty Sports Cndtng: Softball 1 1 1.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Vrsty Sprts Cond: Football 1 1 2.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Vrsty Sprts Cond: M.Basketball 1 1 1.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Vsty Conditioning:Volleyball 1 1 1.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Vsty Condting: Men’s Bskball 1 1 2.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Vsty Condting: Men’s Golf 1 1 2.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Vsty Condting: Men’s Swimming 1 1 1.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Vsty Condting: Softball 1 1 2.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Vsty Condting: Volleyball 1 1 2.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Vsty Condting: Wmn’s Golf 1 1 1.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Vsty Condting: Wmn’s Soccer 1 1 1.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Vsty Condting: Wmn’s Swimming 1 1 2.00 5.00
HHPA-102 Vsty Condtng: Wmn’s X-Country 1 1 1.00 5.00
HHPA-105 Archery 5 3 12.20 17.20
HHPA-106 Fly Fishing 5 5 6.60 19.00
HHPA-107 Fly Tying 1 1 10.00 25.00
HHPA-108 Intro to Shooting Sports 1 1 3.00 25.00
HHPA-108 Trap Shooting I 1 1 3.00 25.00
HHPA-110 Rock Climbing I 4 3 7.00 9.00
HHPA-112 Badminton 3 3 8.33 20.00
HHPA-114 Tennis 1 1 10.00 12.00
HHPA-114 Tennis I 3 3 5.33 20.67
HHPA-120 Body Conditioning 1 1 2.00 25.00
HHPA-122 Jog/Walk 5 5 4.00 29.00
HHPA-124 Yoga 10 7 17.30 24.50
HHPA-125 Weight Training 7 7 6.71 25.00
HHPA-130 Boxing 2 2 6.50 25.00
HHPA-130 Boxing I 5 5 13.20 24.00
HHPA-132 Karate 1 1 4.00 20.00
HHPA-132 Karate I 2 2 8.00 22.50
HHPA-134 Self-Defense for Men I 3 3 4.67 25.00
HHPA-136 Self-Defense for Women 2 2 9.00 25.00
HHPA-136 Self-Defense for Women I 5 5 9.00 24.00
HHPA-140 Ballet 1 1 11.00 25.00
HHPA-140 Ballet I 2 2 9.50 25.00
HHPA-142 Jazz Dance 1 1 8.00 25.00
HHPA-142 Jazz Dance I 3 3 4.00 28.33
HHPA-144 Rhythmic Skills 1 1 4.00 25.00
HHPA-150 Swimming 1 1 9.00 25.00
HHPA-150 Swimming I 3 3 5.00 20.67
HHPA-152 Swim Conditioning 2 2 14.00 25.00
HHPA-155 Scuba Diving 4 2 6.50 25.00
HHPA-157 Kayaking 2 1 5.00 8.00
HHPA-214 Tennis II 1 1 5.00 12.00
HHPA-230 Boxing II 3 3 9.67 11.67
HHPA-232 Karate II 1 1 1.00 25.00
HHPA-234 Self-Defense for Men II 1 1 5.00 25.00
HHPA-236 Self-Defense for Women II 2 2 6.00 22.50
HHPA-242 Jazz Dance II 1 1 2.00 25.00
HHPA-250 Swimming II 6 6 4.67 22.83
HHPA-310 Wilderness First Responder 3 3 7.67 13.00
HIS-110 Civilization: Western to 1000 9 5 30.11 35.11
HIS-110 Western Civilization to 1000 4 3 50.50 56.50
HIS-111 Civilization: Western to 1800 16 5 29.12 34.19
HIS-111 Western Civilization to 1800 11 3 40.18 45.91
HIS-112 Civilization: World to 1800 19 5 25.26 35.79
HIS-112 World Civilizations to 1800 10 3 31.50 43.40
HIS-199T Gender & Sexuality: An Intro 1 1 29.00 25.00
HIS-199T Intro to Gender & Sexuality 2 2 10.50 24.00
HIS-200 Intro/History of United States 7 7 47.86 48.29
HIS-202 History & the Movies 2 2 29.00 30.00
HIS-210 History of Modern East Asia 5 5 34.60 39.60
HIS-220 History of Modern Europe 7 7 43.14 37.14
HIS-221 Chinese Religions 1 1 17.00 24.00
HIS-226 Hist of Modern Ideas-1890-2000 1 1 17.00 36.00
HIS-230 History of Mod Latin America 5 5 27.60 37.60
HIS-242 The History of Christianity 1 1 18.00 24.00
HIS-244 Biblical Archaeology 2 2 11.00 30.00
HIS-270 Writing History 1 1 9.00 24.00
HIS-280 Historical Research Methods 1 1 9.00 24.00
HIS-280 Historiography & Methods 3 3 18.33 40.67
HIS-294 Early Modern Venice 1 1 1.00 5.00
HIS-294 Economics and the Bible 1 1 1.00 5.00
HIS-294 Researching History 1 1 1.00 5.00
HIS-294 Roman Numismetics Study 1 1 1.00 5.00
HIS-294 Survey of Ancient Rome 1 1 1.00 5.00
HIS-294 Teaching the Holocaust 1 1 1.00 5.00
HIS-300 The United States Since 1945 4 4 26.50 27.00
HIS-301 History of American Ideas 3 3 27.33 24.00
HIS-303 The Terror 2 2 11.50 19.00
HIS-304 The American Westward Movement 3 3 42.00 28.00
HIS-306 The American South Since 1865 2 2 29.50 24.00
HIS-309 The American Civil War 4 4 76.25 43.00
HIS-314 Tudor & Stuart England 1 1 22.00 24.00
HIS-320 Ancient Latin Language&Lit I 4 4 9.50 24.00
HIS-321 Ancient Latin Language& Lit II 3 3 4.00 26.00
HIS-322 Latin Readings 5 4 2.80 11.40
HIS-325 Ancient Greek Language& Lit I 3 3 9.00 24.00
HIS-326 Ancient Greek Language& Lit II 3 3 4.00 24.00
HIS-327 Greek Readings 3 3 3.00 17.67
HIS-328 Mythology: Hist/Archaeology 2 2 17.00 24.00
HIS-331 Ancient Greece 4 4 25.00 37.00
HIS-332 Ancient Rome 4 4 25.75 30.00
HIS-334 19 C Europe:Ind Natn&Disconte 1 1 15.00 24.00
HIS-336 Europe, 1848-2001 1 1 11.00 24.00
HIS-337 Modern Russia & the USSR 3 3 26.33 32.00
HIS-338 Modern India 1 1 21.00 24.00
HIS-339 Nazis & the Final Solution 3 3 87.67 48.00
HIS-340 Pre-Modern Chinese History 3 3 17.67 26.33
HIS-343 Relig& the State/Late Im China 1 1 4.00 13.00
HIS-344 Medieval Europe 2 2 12.50 24.00
HIS-345 Modern China 2 2 20.50 27.00
HIS-346 Reformation of 16th Century 2 2 9.00 24.00
HIS-347 18 C Europe:Fall of Old Regim 2 2 14.00 24.00
HIS-348 20 C Europe:Trial of Modernit 1 1 6.00 24.00
HIS-349 Mod European Intellectual Hist 2 2 7.50 24.00
HIS-350 The British Empire 1756-1960 1 1 13.00 24.00
HIS-352 England to 1688 2 2 20.00 24.00
HIS-353 Modern Britain 1 1 12.00 24.00
HIS-354 History of SE Asia 1 1 38.00 40.00
HIS-356 The Body in History 1 1 7.00 15.00
HIS-358 People’s Republic of China 3 3 18.00 24.67
HIS-359 Pre-Modern Japan 1 1 14.00 24.00
HIS-360 Britain Emp. & World 1639-1851 1 1 15.00 24.00
HIS-360 Britain, 1639-1832 1 1 6.00 24.00
HIS-361 Britain & Its Empire 1832-2016 1 1 7.00 24.00
HIS-361 Britain, 1832-2010 1 1 9.00 24.00
HIS-363 The Rise of Christianity 3 3 12.00 28.00
HIS-364 Jesus: History/Archaeology 3 3 18.00 24.00
HIS-365 Jewish Experience in Film 1 1 10.00 24.00
HIS-367 History of Jewish Art 1 1 14.00 24.00
HIS-368 Jewish History 3 3 36.33 24.00
HIS-370 Jewish History 4 4 7.00 24.00
HIS-372 Jewish-Christian Relations 2 2 6.00 24.00
HIS-374 Gender in Jewish Societies 2 2 5.50 24.00
HIS-375 Moses to Jon Stewart 1 1 3.00 24.00
HIS-376 Zionism and Modern Israel 2 2 6.50 24.00
HIS-378 Liberation Theology 2 2 7.50 18.50
HIS-380 Colonial Latin America 1 1 22.00 24.00
HIS-381 Military& Soc in Latin America 1 1 6.00 25.00
HIS-382 Modern Mexico 2 2 13.50 24.00
HIS-382 Revolutionary Mexico 1 1 9.00 24.00
HIS-384 Modern Japan 2 2 11.50 24.00
HIS-386 Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica 2 2 21.00 24.00
HIS-386 Religions in Latin American 1 1 8.00 24.00
HIS-387 Cuba 1 1 11.00 25.00
HIS-387 Modern Cuba 3 3 21.67 24.67
HIS-388 Gender & Race in Latin America 2 2 19.00 24.00
HIS-399T Envr. History of East Asia 1 1 7.00 24.00
HIS-399T What Is a Chinese Temple? 1 1 6.00 24.00
HIS-399T.2 Tudor England 1 1 24.00 24.00
HIS-399T.5 Modern Tibet 1 1 7.00 24.00
HIS-399T.6 Mexico: City As Place & Hist 1 1 17.00 20.00
HIS-399T.8 What Is a Chinese Temple? 1 1 6.00 25.00
HIS-400 Seminar in Historical Methods 1 1 17.00 99.00
HIS-401 Seminar in Historical Methods 6 6 14.33 28.17
HIS-470 History Minor Capstone 1 1 12.00 25.00
HIS-470 History Portfolio 7 7 9.43 24.86
HIS-490 Research Preparation 3 3 9.33 20.00
HIS-499T.1 Anglican Missions& Brit Empire 1 1 2.00 5.00
HON-499 Dept. Honors: Psychology 1 1 6.00 10.00
HONORS-. Biology - Departmental 2 2 2.00 2.00
HSC-399T Spanish Healthcare Practicum 1 1 12.00 30.00
IND-215 Visual and Performing Arts 1 1 4.00 40.00
IND-301 Transfer Seminar 7 4 12.86 23.57
IND-305.1 Winter Wilderness Experience 4 4 7.75 21.25
IND-305.2 Winter Wilderness Experience 3 3 7.67 25.00
IND-307.1 London: Art/History/Literature 3 3 15.00 22.67
IND-307.2 London: Art/History/Literature 3 3 13.67 22.00
IND-312 Paris and Venice: Identities 2 1 17.00 15.00
IND-320 Scotland & Ireland Abroad-Prep 1 1 12.00 15.00
IND-320.1 Scotland & the Lake District 1 1 12.00 15.00
IND-368 The Prison Experience 5 5 24.40 20.00
IND-380 Transatlantic Colonial Exp 1 1 13.00 16.00
JOURN-200 Prin & Pract/Journalism:print 3 3 20.67 25.00
JOURN-200 Prin& Pract/Journalism:Print 5 5 23.40 25.00
JOURN-201 Prin & Pract/Journalsm:visual 5 5 22.80 25.00
JOURN-201 Prin& Pract/Journalsm:Visual 2 2 27.50 26.00
JOURN-300 Feature Writing 3 3 16.67 16.00
JOURN-301 Advanced Editing & Reporting 3 3 20.67 15.00
JOURN-400 Senior Project 1 1 6.00 15.00
JOURN-401 Advanced Journalism Practices 3 3 12.00 16.00
JOURN-401 Advanced Journalism Principles 1 1 8.00 15.00
JOURN-401 Senior Project 2 2 12.50 15.00
KIN-201 Introduction to Health 4 4 32.75 36.25
KPHE-100 Varsity Athletics: Baseball 1 1 1.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Athletics: Basketball 1 1 1.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Athletics: Football 1 1 2.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Athletics: Golf 1 1 1.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Athletics: Skiiing 1 1 1.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Athletics: Skiing 1 1 5.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Athletics: Soccer 2 1 2.50 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Athletics: Softball 2 2 4.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Athletics: Swimming 3 3 1.67 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Athletics: Tennis 1 1 1.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Athletics: Track 1 1 6.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Athletics: Volleyball 1 1 1.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Athletics: X-Country 1 1 2.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Athletics:Golf 1 1 1.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Athletics:Track&Field 1 1 2.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Athletics:men’s Soccer 1 1 1.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Baseball 3 3 2.33 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Basketball 1 1 2.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Basketball-Men 1 1 2.00 50.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Basketball-Women 1 1 1.00 50.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Cross Country 2 2 4.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Football 1 1 5.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Golf 3 3 1.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Skiing 2 2 3.50 27.50
KPHE-100 Varsity Soccer-Men 2 2 4.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Soccer-Mens 1 1 2.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Soccer-Women 2 2 2.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Soccer-Womens 1 1 3.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Softball 2 2 2.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Swimming 5 5 3.00 30.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Tennis 1 1 5.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Track 2 2 3.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity Volleyball 2 2 1.50 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity: Women’s Basketball 1 1 3.00 25.00
KPHE-100 Varsity:Men’s Basketball 1 1 2.00 25.00
KPHE-120 Baseball Conditioning 3 3 2.33 25.00
KPHE-120 Basektball-Women Conditionig 2 2 3.50 25.00
KPHE-120 Basketball Conditioning-Women 1 1 1.00 25.00
KPHE-120 Basketball-Men Conditioning 2 2 1.50 25.00
KPHE-120 Conditioning 1 1 3.00 25.00
KPHE-120 Golf Conditioning 1 1 7.00 25.00
KPHE-120 Skiing Conditioning 2 2 1.50 25.00
KPHE-120 Soccer-Men Cond-2nd 6WKS 1 1 3.00 25.00
KPHE-120 Soccer-Women Cond-2nd 6WKS 1 1 3.00 25.00
KPHE-120 Softball Conditioning 3 3 2.67 25.00
KPHE-120 Softball Conditioning 1 1 1 1.00 25.00
KPHE-120 Track Conditioning 1 1 10.00 25.00
KPHE-120 Varsity Team Conditioning 1 1 3.00 25.00
KPHE-120 Volleyball Conditioning 2 2 5.50 25.00
KPHE-150 Badminton 2 2 19.50 22.00
KPHE-150 Beg Archery 2 1 15.00 14.00
KPHE-150 Beg. Scuba Diving-1st 6wks 2 1 8.00 10.00
KPHE-150 Beg. Swimming-1st 6wks 1 1 19.00 20.00
KPHE-150 Beg. Tennis-1st 6wks 1 1 6.00 12.00
KPHE-150 Beg. Trap Shooting-1st 6wks 1 1 11.00 15.00
KPHE-150 Beginning Archery 2 1 15.00 14.00
KPHE-150 Beginning Boxing 1st 6wks 1 1 26.00 25.00
KPHE-150 Beginning Boxing: 1st 6 wks 1 1 20.00 20.00
KPHE-150 Beginning Swimming: 1st 6 wks 1 1 8.00 25.00
KPHE-150 Beginning Tennis: 1st 6 wks 1 1 9.00 10.00
KPHE-150 Beginning Yoga: 1st 6 WKS 1 1 21.00 20.00
KPHE-150 Beginning Yoga: 1st 6 wks 1 1 17.00 20.00
KPHE-150 Body Conditioning 3 1 20.00 20.00
KPHE-150 Body Conditioning 1 2 1 20.00 20.00
KPHE-150 Dance Ballet I 2 2 30.50 32.50
KPHE-150 Dance Jazz 1: 1st 6 wks 1 1 12.00 30.00
KPHE-150 Dance Jazz II 1 1 21.00 25.00
KPHE-150 Dance Jazz II: 1st 6wks 1 1 11.00 30.00
KPHE-150 Fly Fishing-1st 6 Wks 1 1 10.00 10.00
KPHE-150 Fly Fishing: 1st 6 wks 1 1 7.00 10.00
KPHE-150 Fly Tying 2 2 14.00 13.50
KPHE-150 Int Swimming: 1st 6WKS 1 1 16.00 25.00
KPHE-150 Intermediate Swimming 1 1 22.00 20.00
KPHE-150 Intermediate Tennis 1 1 5.00 10.00
KPHE-150 Intermediate Tennis: 1st 6WKS 1 1 7.00 12.00
KPHE-150 Jazz Dance-1st 6 Wks 1 1 11.00 25.00
KPHE-150 Jog/Walk 1 1 30.00 50.00
KPHE-150 Jog/Walk: 1st 6 wks 1 1 10.00 35.00
KPHE-150 Jogging 2 1 43.00 50.00
KPHE-150 Jogging 1st 6wks 1 1 8.00 40.00
KPHE-150 Rock Climbing: 1st 6 wks 3 1 6.33 9.00
KPHE-150 Scuba Diving: 1st 6 wks 2 1 4.00 12.00
KPHE-150 Self Defense I Women 2 2 23.00 25.00
KPHE-150 Self Defense for Men I 2 2 17.50 30.00
KPHE-150 Self Defense for Women I 2 2 20.50 30.00
KPHE-150 Self-Defense Men I: 1st 6 Wks 1 1 7.00 30.00
KPHE-150 Self-Defense Women I -1st 6WKS 1 1 9.00 25.00
KPHE-150 Self-Defense Women I:1st 6 Wks 1 1 13.00 30.00
KPHE-150 Swim Conditioning 1 1 22.00 25.00
KPHE-150 Swim Conditioning I 1 1 23.00 25.00
KPHE-150 Trap Shooting I: 1st 6 wks 1 1 11.00 15.00
KPHE-150 Weight Training 3 2 24.67 25.00
KPHE-150.1 Archery-Beginning 2 1 14.50 14.00
KPHE-150.13 Rock Climb Level I 1st 6 WKS 2 1 8.00 9.00
KPHE-150.15 Scuba Diving-Begin 1st 6 WKS 2 1 11.00 15.00
KPHE-150.17 SelfDefense Women I 1st 6 WKS 2 2 10.00 25.00
KPHE-150.19 Swimming Beginning 1st 6 WKS 1 1 2.00 25.00
KPHE-150.2 Badminton 1 1 18.00 18.00
KPHE-150.20 Swimming Conditioning 1 1 31.00 25.00
KPHE-150.21 Swimming-Intermed 1st 6 WKS 1 1 10.00 25.00
KPHE-150.24 Trap Shooting-Begin 1st 6 WKS 1 1 14.00 15.00
KPHE-150.25 Weight Training 1 1 17.00 25.00
KPHE-150.26 Yoga 1 1 41.00 35.00
KPHE-150.26 Yoga 1st 6 WKS 2 2 35.00 35.00
KPHE-150.3 Body Conditioning 3 1 9.00 25.00
KPHE-150.4 Bowling 1 1 34.00 36.00
KPHE-150.5 Dance-Ballet I 1 1 36.00 50.00
KPHE-150.6 Dance-Jazz I 1st 6WKS 1 1 13.00 30.00
KPHE-150.6A Dance-Jazz II 1st 6 WKS 1 1 14.00 30.00
KPHE-150.7 Fly Fishing 1st 6 WKS 1 1 11.00 9.00
KPHE-150.8 Fly Tying-Beginning 1 1 12.00 10.00
KPHE-150.9 Jog/Walk 1 1 40.00 40.00
KPHE-150.9 Jog/Walk 1st 6 WKS 1 1 8.00 30.00
KPHE-150ARW Archery/Beginning-Winter 2 1 15.00 14.00
KPHE-150BCW Body Conditioning-Winter 3 1 20.00 20.00
KPHE-150BDW Badminton-Winter 1 1 16.00 16.00
KPHE-150DBW Dance/Ballet 1-Winter 1 1 27.00 25.00
KPHE-150DJ1 Dance/Jazz 1-1st 6WKS 1 1 6.00 25.00
KPHE-150DJ2 Dance/Jazz 2-1st 6WKS 1 1 3.00 25.00
KPHE-150FF Fly Fishing-1st 6WKS 1 1 8.00 9.00
KPHE-150FTW Fly Tying-Winter 1 1 12.00 12.00
KPHE-150JW Jog/Walk-1st 6WKS 1 1 7.00 40.00
KPHE-150JWW Jog/Walk-Winter 1 1 31.00 40.00
KPHE-150RC Rock Climb Level 1-1st 6WKS 3 1 7.00 9.00
KPHE-150SD Scuba Diving/Begin-1st 6WKS 2 1 4.00 9.00
KPHE-150SDW Self Defense 1/Women-1st 6WKS 2 2 18.50 25.00
KPHE-150SDWW Self Defense 1/Women-Winter 1 1 22.00 25.00
KPHE-150SW Swimming/Begin-1st 6WKS 1 1 16.00 25.00
KPHE-150SWI Swimming/Intermed-1st 6WKS 1 1 15.00 20.00
KPHE-150SWW Swimming Conditioning-Winter 1 1 26.00 25.00
KPHE-150TS Trap Shooting/Begin-st 6WKS 1 1 15.00 15.00
KPHE-150WTW Weight Training-Winter 1 1 29.00 25.00
KPHE-150YG Yoga-1st 6WKS 2 1 11.00 25.00
KPHE-150YGS Yoga-1st 6WKS 2 1 17.50 25.00
KPHE-150YGW Yoga-Winter 2 1 21.50 25.00
KPHE-160 Advanced Karate 2 2 2.50 20.00
KPHE-160 Advanced Tennis 1 1 11.00 12.00
KPHE-160 Advanced Trap Shooting 2 2 15.00 15.00
KPHE-160 Beg Rock Climbing 2 1 8.00 9.00
KPHE-160 Beg. Archery-2nd 6wks 1 1 14.00 14.00
KPHE-160 Beginning Boxing: 2nd 6 wks 1 1 9.00 10.00
KPHE-160 Beginning Karate 2 2 17.00 20.00
KPHE-160 Beginning Tennis 1 1 14.00 12.00
KPHE-160 Beginning Tennis: 2nd 6WKS 1 1 8.00 12.00
KPHE-160 Beginning Yoga 1 1 23.00 20.00
KPHE-160 Beginning Yoga: 2nd 6wks 1 1 21.00 20.00
KPHE-160 Fly Fishing 1 1 13.00 10.00
KPHE-160 Fly Fishing: 2nd 6WKS 1 1 10.00 10.00
KPHE-160 Int Swimming-2nd 6wks 1 1 10.00 10.00
KPHE-160 Intermediate Boxing: 2nd 6wks 1 1 15.00 15.00
KPHE-160 Intermediate Boxing:2nd 6 wks 1 1 7.00 10.00
KPHE-160 Intermediate Swimming:2nd 6WKS 1 1 3.00 25.00
KPHE-160 Rhythmic Skills-2nd wks 1 1 10.00 10.00
KPHE-160 Rhythmic Skills: 2nd 6wks 1 1 3.00 25.00
KPHE-160 Rock Climbing 2 1 11.00 9.00
KPHE-160 Rock Climbing 2nd 6wks 2 1 8.50 10.00
KPHE-160 Self Defense II Women 1 1 13.00 25.00
KPHE-160 Self Defense II-Women-2nd 6wk 1 1 6.00 10.00
KPHE-160 Self Defense for Men II 1 1 8.00 30.00
KPHE-160 Self Defense for Women II 1 1 20.00 30.00
KPHE-160 Self Defense-WomenII: 2nd 6wk 1 1 10.00 30.00
KPHE-160 Self-Defense Men II:2nd 6 Wks 1 1 5.00 30.00
KPHE-160 Weight Training-2nd 6wks 1 1 16.00 25.00
KPHE-160 Weight Training: 2nd 6 Wks 1 1 10.00 25.00
KPHE-160.1 Archery-Beginning 2nd 6WKS 1 1 17.00 14.00
KPHE-160.10 Karate-Beginning 2nd 6 WKS 1 1 17.00 20.00
KPHE-160.10A Karate-Advanced 2nd 6WKS 1 1 2.00 20.00
KPHE-160.12 Rhythmic Skills 2nd 6 WKS 1 1 19.00 25.00
KPHE-160.13 Rock Climb Level I 2nd 6WKS 2 1 9.00 9.00
KPHE-160.16 Scuba Diving-2nd 6 WKS 2 1 5.00 15.00
KPHE-160.16 Scuba Diving-Adv 2nd 6 WKS 2 1 2.00 15.00
KPHE-160.18 SelfDefense Women II 2nd 6 1 1 6.00 25.00
KPHE-160.18 SelfDefense Women II 2nd 6WKS 1 1 6.00 25.00
KPHE-160.21 Swimming Intermed 2nd 6 WKS 1 1 6.00 25.00
KPHE-160.22 Tennis-Beginning 2nd 6 WKS 1 1 23.00 18.00
KPHE-160.23 Tennis-Advanced 2nd 6 WKS 1 1 3.00 18.00
KPHE-160.24 Trap Shooting-Adv 2nd 6 WKS 1 1 7.00 9.00
KPHE-160.25 Weight Training 2nd 6 WKS 1 1 17.00 25.00
KPHE-160.26 Yoga 2nd 6 WKS 2 2 37.50 35.00
KPHE-160.7 Fly Fishing 2nd 6 WKS 1 1 11.00 10.00
KPHE-160AR Archery/Beginning-2nd 6WKS 1 1 15.00 14.00
KPHE-160FF Fly Fishing-2nd 6WKS 1 1 9.00 9.00
KPHE-160KT1 Karate/Beginning-2nd 6WKS 1 1 23.00 25.00
KPHE-160RC Rock Climb Level 1-2nd 6WKS 2 1 9.00 9.00
KPHE-160RS Rhythmic Skills-2nd 6WKS 1 1 7.00 25.00
KPHE-160SDW Self Defense 2/Women-2nd 6WKS 2 2 8.50 25.00
KPHE-160SWI Swimming/Intermed-2nd 6WKS 1 1 11.00 20.00
KPHE-160TN1 Tennis/Beginning-2nd 6WKS 1 1 16.00 20.00
KPHE-160TN2 Tennis/Advanced-2nd 6WKS 1 1 2.00 20.00
KPHE-160TS Trap Shoot/Advance-2nd 6WKS 1 1 9.00 15.00
KPHE-160WT Weight Training-2nd 6WKS 1 1 13.00 25.00
KPHE-160YG Yoga-2nd 6WKS 4 2 13.75 25.00
LAS-399T Mexico, The City 1 1 17.00 18.00
LAS-490 Senior Portfolio 1 1 2.00 10.00
LSP-101 Leadership Development 4 4 28.00 29.50
LSP-201 Leadership Theories 6 6 17.17 25.00
LSP-201 Leadership Theories & Styles 4 4 17.00 20.00
LSP-210 Servant Leadership 5 5 16.80 23.40
LSP-299T.01 SpecTop:Christian Serv Leader 2 2 7.50 25.00
LSP-299T.2 SpecTop:Leadershp in Business 4 4 9.25 25.00
LSP-397 Internship 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-399T Intro to Trauma Advocacy 3 2 16.33 30.00
LSP-496 Senior Leadership Seminar 4 4 2.75 15.25
LSP-497 Arts Administration Intern Cfa 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 Assistant Cross-Country Coach 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 Campus Ministries Intern 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 Coaching Skills for Tomorrow 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 Com Outreach for Stu Athletes 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 Court ApptdYouth Advocasy 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 Events and Promotions Intern 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 Hospital Chaplaincy Internship 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 Internship:outdoor Leadership 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 Job Shadow RDN 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 Lacrosse Team Internship 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 Multicultural Affairs Assist. 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 Park Center Church Internship 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 Program Development Intern 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 Rosenthal Art Gallery 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 Snowschool Intern 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 Student Life, Theory & Prac 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 TRIO Intern 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 Video Marketing Intern 1 1 1.00 5.00
LSP-497 WICAP Leadership Intern 1 1 1.00 5.00
MAT-101 Survey of Algebra/Probability 26 9 18.38 19.00
MAT-102 Functions 28 10 7.64 15.96
MAT-105 Algebra 14 8 18.36 21.00
MAT-111 Contemporary Mathematics 3 3 12.33 21.67
MAT-112 Introduction to Statistics 14 6 30.29 30.36
MAT-123.1 Applied Mathematics 12 6 19.50 22.17
MAT-125 Data Analysis and Statistics 41 13 24.66 27.34
MAT-130 Trigonometry 13 6 1.54 4.54
MAT-149 Pre-Calculus Mathematics 3 3 15.33 33.33
MAT-150 Applied Calculus 24 11 21.79 29.17
MAT-151 Calculus I 8 5 25.00 30.75
MAT-152 Calculus II 6 6 27.00 30.00
MAT-175 Single Variable Calculus 9 9 18.22 30.00
MAT-199 Math & Physics Colloquium 8 8 5.50 30.00
MAT-199T Math/Physics Colloquium 1 1 11.00 20.00
MAT-212 Advanced Statistical Methods 17 13 20.47 26.47
MAT-212 Multiple Regression Analysis 5 5 13.20 27.80
MAT-221 Mathematics/Elemen Teachers I 7 7 9.71 28.57
MAT-222 Mathematics/Elemen Teachers II 6 6 9.83 28.33
MAT-251 Calculus III 3 3 31.33 33.33
MAT-252 Discrete Mathematics 3 3 16.33 28.33
MAT-275 Multivariable Calculus 5 5 15.20 30.00
MAT-280 Intro to Proof: Number Theory 1 1 27.00 25.00
MAT-281 Intro to Proof: Combinatorics 1 1 28.00 25.00
MAT-282 Intro to Proof:Sets& Function 8 5 22.12 25.00
MAT-311 Probability& Mathematical Stat 4 4 17.50 27.50
MAT-352 Differential Equations 7 7 17.43 32.14
MAT-361 Linear Algebra 7 6 18.57 25.00
MAT-370 Geometry 5 4 11.20 25.00
MAT-372 History of Mathematics 3 3 14.33 25.00
MAT-399T Intro to Diophantine Equations 1 1 4.00 20.00
MAT-431 Complex Analysis 1 1 3.00 25.00
MAT-431 Complex Variables 2 2 17.50 27.50
MAT-441 Topology 3 3 6.33 26.67
MAT-451 Real Analysis 4 4 7.50 23.75
MAT-461 Abstract Algebra 2 2 3.50 20.00
MAT-461 Algebraic Structures 2 2 10.50 27.50
MAT-498 Upper Division Seminar 6 6 5.17 20.67
MFL-199T.1 Chinese Language & Culture I 1 1 13.00 20.00
MFL-199T.2 Chinese Language & Culture II 3 1 8.00 25.00
MFL-199TREV Chinese Grammar&Phonetics Rev 1 1 6.00 25.00
MFL-299 Intermediate Readings/German 2 2 3.50 20.00
MFL-299 Intermediate Readings/Spanish 2 2 20.00 20.00
MFL-299T Intermediate Readings in Mfl 1 1 3.00 25.00
MFL-337 Spanish for Business I 1 1 17.00 20.00
MFL-398 Pract in FL/ESL/Bilingual Ed 5 5 1.40 5.00
MFL-399T.2 Latin America Today 2 1 16.00 20.00
MFL-399T.4 Human Rights/First Generation 2 1 13.00 24.00
MFL-444 2nd Lang Acquisition Theory 2 2 1.50 11.50
MFL-445 FL, ESL & Bilingual Methods 2 2 2.50 13.50
MFL-446 Linguistics/Language Teachers 1 1 3.00 15.00
MFL-447 Foundations/Bilingual Ed/ESL 2 2 1.50 11.00
MS-101 Intro Military Science 2 1 1.00 25.00
MS-102 Intro Military Science 2 1 3.00 25.00
MS-202 Military Leadership 2 1 1.00 25.00
MS-250 Fitness Activities 4 4 1.00 25.00
MS-301 Leadership & Management 2 1 1.00 25.00
MS-302 Basic Tactics 2 1 1.00 25.00
MS-401 Professional Preparation 2 2 1.00 25.00
MS-402 Professional Preparation 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUS-001 Concert Recital 1 1 40.00 100.00
MUS-001 Concert/Recital Attendance 19 14 34.95 96.05
MUS-100 Music Fundamentals 15 15 12.20 25.00
MUS-101 Intro to Music Theory & Sound 1 1 5.00 25.00
MUS-101 Music Theory I 7 7 17.86 23.57
MUS-101L Aural Skills 1 1 4.00 25.00
MUS-101L Aural Skills I 7 7 11.43 25.00
MUS-102 Music Theory II 7 7 9.57 25.00
MUS-102L Aural Skills II 6 6 6.50 25.00
MUS-105 The Beatles 1 1 27.00 25.00
MUS-111 Intro to Music Literature 11 11 19.91 25.00
MUS-112 Introduction to World Music 6 6 20.50 25.00
MUS-113 Mus Love/Death/All the Rest 2 2 18.00 25.00
MUS-115 Beethoven:Mus, Context& Myth 2 2 7.50 25.00
MUS-116 Mozart:Mus, Context, Myth Mak 3 3 8.00 25.00
MUS-121 Sinfonia 13 13 11.46 50.00
MUS-122 Concert Band 10 10 14.50 50.00
MUS-122 Wind Ensemble & Marching Band 3 3 25.67 50.00
MUS-123 Early Music Ensemble 2 2 4.00 10.00
MUS-123 Major Sixth Vocal Ensemble 5 5 4.80 6.00
MUS-124 Jazz Ensemble 13 13 7.31 36.54
MUS-125 Chamber Ensemble 8 8 7.50 28.12
MUS-125 Chamber Ensemble-Singers 3 3 18.00 30.00
MUS-125 Chamber Ensemble-Strings 5 5 8.80 35.00
MUS-125 Chamber Ensemble-Vocal 2 2 16.00 50.00
MUS-125 Chamber Ensemble-WInds 1 1 2.00 25.00
MUS-125 Chamber Ensemble-Winds 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUS-125 Chamber Ensemble: Choir 1 1 11.00 25.00
MUS-125 Chamber Ensemble: Singers 2 2 19.00 30.00
MUS-125 Chamber Ensemble: Strings 2 2 7.50 25.00
MUS-125 Chamber Ensemble: Winds 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUS-125 Chamber Singers 2 2 18.00 25.00
MUS-125 Chamber Strings 1 1 9.00 25.00
MUS-125 Chamber Winds 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUS-126 Chorale 16 16 41.44 87.50
MUS-127 Chamber Ensemble - Singers 6 6 11.83 26.67
MUS-128 Vocal Jazz Ensemble 15 15 6.47 22.00
MUS-129 Yote Band 2 2 5.50 100.00
MUS-133 Class Voice 6 6 3.50 16.67
MUS-138 English & Italian Diction 6 6 2.83 25.00
MUS-139 French & German Diction 6 6 2.83 25.00
MUS-155 Music, Movies and Video Games 2 2 40.50 50.00
MUS-201 Music Theory III 7 7 6.71 23.57
MUS-201 Seminar in Chromatic Harmony 1 1 3.00 25.00
MUS-201L Aural Skills III 2 2 4.00 25.00
MUS-202 Music Theory IV 7 7 6.14 25.00
MUS-213 History of Popular Music 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUS-215 Survey of Opera History 4 4 4.50 25.00
MUS-216 Music and the Church 1 1 4.00 25.00
MUS-220 Intro to Music Technology 2 2 6.00 25.00
MUS-231 Piano Proficiency Exam 3 3 1.00 25.00
MUS-238 English & Italian Diction 1 1 5.00 25.00
MUS-301 18th-Century Counterpoint 1 1 1.00 15.00
MUS-301 Counterpoint 3 3 6.00 15.00
MUS-308 The Music of Britain 1 1 5.00 25.00
MUS-311 Music History I 7 7 10.71 25.00
MUS-312 Music History II 6 6 8.00 25.00
MUS-327 Musical Theatre/Opera Workshop 8 8 7.12 50.00
MUS-333 Vocal Pedagogy & Literature 3 3 4.67 23.33
MUS-337 Practicum/Violin,Viola,Cello 9 9 2.22 10.00
MUS-337S Practicum/Violin,Viola,Cello 2 1 1.00 10.00
MUS-337W Practicum/Violin,Viola,Cello 2 1 2.50 10.00
MUS-341 Beginning Conducting 7 7 3.14 17.86
MUS-342 Advanced Conducting 6 6 2.50 21.67
MUS-345 Teaching Band Instruments 4 4 2.50 15.00
MUS-350 Orchestration 1 1 3.00 15.00
MUS-355 Studio Teaching & Organization 2 2 1.50 15.00
MUS-390 Junior Recital 4 3 1.75 22.50
MUS-400 Musicology Seminar 13 7 5.54 18.85
MUS-403 Compos Sem& Orchestrn Studies 2 2 5.50 7.50
MUS-410 Comp/Sem& Orchestrn-Voice 2 2 6.50 12.50
MUS-411 Comp Sem& Orch-Strings 2 2 4.50 15.00
MUS-412 Comp Sem& Orches-Woodwinds 2 2 6.00 12.50
MUS-413 Comp/Sem/Orch-Brass& Percuss 2 2 4.50 15.00
MUS-420 Digitl Aud Record/Edit/Produc 3 2 9.33 13.33
MUS-442 Music Methods & Materials 3 3 3.33 25.00
MUS-443 String Pedagogy & Practicum 3 3 1.00 11.67
MUS-444 Choral Pedagogy & Practicum 6 6 1.50 15.00
MUS-445 Band Pedagogy & Practicum 3 3 1.00 11.67
MUS-490 Senior Recital 16 10 1.50 17.50
MUS-491 Music Minor Capstone 10 10 3.00 28.00
MUS-497 Arts Administration Intern 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUS-497 Arts Management Intern 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUS-497 Bus. & Stage Tech. Specialist 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUS-497 Caldwell Fine Arts Internship 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUS-497 Cfa Management Intern 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUS-497 Disney Company Internship 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUS-497 Marketing & Bus. in the Arts 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUS-497 Promotion & Mngmnt in the Arts 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Bassoon I 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Cello I 8 8 3.12 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Clarinet I 4 4 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Flute I 5 5 3.80 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied French Horn I 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Guitar I 3 3 2.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Jazz Voice 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Music Bass I 2 2 1.50 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Music Cello I 3 3 3.33 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Music Clarinet I 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Music Euphonium I 2 2 1.50 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Music Oboe I 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Music Percussion I 4 4 2.25 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Music Piano I 3 3 4.33 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Music Saxophone I 3 3 3.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Music Trombone I 2 2 3.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Music Trumpet I 2 2 3.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Music Vioila I 1 1 2.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Music Viola I 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Music Violin I 2 2 1.50 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Music Voice I 4 4 8.50 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Organ I 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Percussion I 5 5 1.80 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Piano I 10 10 6.90 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Saxaphone I 1 1 2.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Saxophone I 5 5 1.20 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied String Bass I 6 6 1.33 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Trombone I 3 3 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Trumpet I 5 5 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Tuba I 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Viola I 7 7 2.14 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Violin I 10 9 2.90 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Voice I 9 9 10.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applied Volin I 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applies Flute I 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-130 Applies Voice I 1 1 15.00 25.00
MUSAP-130CLS Applied Cello I 1 1 2.00 5.00
MUSAP-130FBA Applied Bassoon I 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUSAP-130FCE Applied Cello I 1 1 6.00 5.00
MUSAP-130FFL Applied Flute I 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUSAP-130FFR Applied French Horn I 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUSAP-130FGU Applied Guitar I 1 1 2.00 5.00
MUSAP-130FPI Applied Piano I 1 1 10.00 5.00
MUSAP-130FST Applied String Bass I 1 1 2.00 5.00
MUSAP-130FTO Applied Trombone I 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUSAP-130FTR Applied Trumpet I 1 1 2.00 5.00
MUSAP-130FVI Applied Viola I 1 1 2.00 5.00
MUSAP-130FVN Applied Violin I 2 1 3.00 5.00
MUSAP-130FVO Applied Voice I 1 1 4.00 5.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Bassoon II 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Cello II 8 8 1.62 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Clarinet II 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Flute II 3 3 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied French Horn II 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Guitar II 4 4 1.25 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Music Bass II 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Music Bassoon II 3 3 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Music Cello II 1 1 3.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Music Clarinet II 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Music Euphonium II 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Music Flute II 2 2 1.50 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Music Guitar II 1 1 2.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Music II: Flute 1 1 5.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Music Ii: Flute 1 1 3.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Music Percussion II 3 3 1.33 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Music Piano II 4 4 2.25 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Music Saxophone II 2 2 1.50 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Music String Bass II 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Music Trumpet II 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Music Violin II 3 3 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Music Voice II 4 4 5.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Percussion II 2 2 1.50 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Piano II 7 7 2.71 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Saxaphone II 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Saxophone II 3 3 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied String Bass II 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Trombone II 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Trumpet II 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Viola II 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Violin II 12 11 1.50 25.00
MUSAP-230 Applied Voice II 10 10 6.20 25.00
MUSAP-230FFL Applied Flute II 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUSAP-230FFR Applied French Horn II 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUSAP-230FVN Applied Violin II 1 1 2.00 5.00
MUSAP-230FVO Applied Voice II 1 1 6.00 5.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Cello III 8 8 1.62 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Clarinet III 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Flute III 3 3 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Guitar III 2 2 1.50 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Music -Voice III 1 1 2.00 4.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Music Cello III 2 2 1.50 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Music Flute III 2 2 1.50 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Music III 1 1 2.00 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Music Iii: Flute 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Music Piano III 4 4 1.50 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Music Saxophone III 3 3 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Music Violin III 3 3 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Music Voice III 4 4 3.50 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Musicviolin III 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Percussion III 4 4 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Piano III 5 5 1.80 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Sting Bass III 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied String Bass III 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Viola III 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Violin III 4 4 1.25 25.00
MUSAP-330 Applied Voice III 12 12 4.17 25.00
MUSAP-330FCE Applied Cello III 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUSAP-330FPI Applied Piano III 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUSAP-330FSA Applied Saxophone III 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUSAP-330FVN Applied Violin III 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUSAP-330FVO Applied Voice III 1 1 4.00 5.00
MUSAP-403 Applied Composition 14 14 5.21 5.86
MUSAP-430 Applied Cello IV 8 8 1.50 25.00
MUSAP-430 Applied Flute IV 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-430 Applied Guitar IV 2 2 2.00 25.00
MUSAP-430 Applied Jazz Bass IV 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-430 Applied Music Cello IV 1 1 2.00 25.00
MUSAP-430 Applied Music Clarinet IV 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-430 Applied Music Flute IV 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-430 Applied Music Iv: Cello 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-430 Applied Music Percussion IV 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-430 Applied Music Piano IV 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-430 Applied Music Violin IV 2 2 1.50 25.00
MUSAP-430 Applied Music Voice IV 4 4 4.00 25.00
MUSAP-430 Applied Music-Voice IV 1 1 2.00 3.00
MUSAP-430 Applied Piano IV 7 7 1.43 25.00
MUSAP-430 Applied Saxophone IV 2 2 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-430 Applied String Bass IV 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-430 Applied Trombone IV 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-430 Applied Viola IV 2 2 2.00 25.00
MUSAP-430 Applied Violin IV 11 9 1.36 25.00
MUSAP-430 Applied Voice IV 13 13 2.46 25.00
MUSAP-430 Jazz String Bass 1 1 1.00 25.00
MUSAP-430FPE Applied Percussion IV 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUSAP-430FVI Applied Viola IV 1 1 1.00 5.00
MUSAP-430FVO Applied Voice IV 1 1 5.00 5.00
PHI-150 Critical Reasoning 6 6 23.33 29.00
PHI-201 The Good Life 6 5 22.33 24.00
PHI-202 Bioethics 14 11 25.50 27.00
PHI-202.1 The Good Life 2 1 27.00 24.00
PHI-202.3 Bioethics 4 2 30.75 30.00
PHI-202.6 Personal Identity 1 1 27.00 30.00
PHI-210 Hum Nat & the Sci World-View 1 1 24.00 24.00
PHI-214 Introduction to Logic 7 7 23.71 27.43
PHI-309 Feminist Philosophy 4 4 15.00 24.25
PHI-310 Ancient Philosophy 5 5 11.20 24.20
PHI-311 Modern Philosophy 4 4 14.00 24.00
PHI-316 Philosophy of Mind 1 1 23.00 24.00
PHI-320 Analytic Philosophy 2 2 14.00 24.00
PHI-331 Ethics 7 7 19.29 21.57
PHI-340 Environmental Philosophy 8 8 24.62 24.38
PHI-351 Philosophy of Religion 4 4 15.00 18.25
PHI-498 Philosophy Seminar 9 9 4.33 20.33
PHI-499 Senior Thesis 5 5 2.00 24.00
PHY-100 The Universe 7 7 39.86 46.43
PHY-105 Introduction to CAD 2 2 17.00 20.00
PHY-170 Engineering Analysis 3 3 15.33 26.67
PHY-199 Math & Physics Colloquium 10 10 8.80 25.00
PHY-199T Math/Physics Colloquium 2 2 3.00 30.00
PHY-210 Statics 4 4 8.50 31.25
PHY-230 Digital Electronics 3 3 13.67 20.00
PHY-230L Digital Electronics Lab 3 3 13.67 20.00
PHY-231 General Physics 2 2 34.00 40.00
PHY-231 General Physics I 6 6 37.33 40.00
PHY-231L General Physics I Lab 12 6 18.83 20.00
PHY-231L General Physics Lab 4 2 16.50 20.00
PHY-232 General Physics 2 2 18.00 40.00
PHY-232 General Physics II 5 5 20.40 34.00
PHY-232L General Physics II Lab 10 5 10.20 20.00
PHY-232L General Physics Lab 4 2 8.75 20.00
PHY-240 Analog Electronics 2 2 9.00 27.50
PHY-240L Analog Electronics Lab 2 2 9.50 27.50
PHY-271 Analytical Physics 3 2 39.67 40.00
PHY-271 Analytical Physics I 7 6 21.57 40.00
PHY-271L Analytical Physics I Lab 10 6 12.30 20.00
PHY-271L Analytical Physics Lab 4 2 18.75 20.00
PHY-272 Analytical Physics 2 2 30.50 40.00
PHY-272 Analytical Physics II 4 4 21.00 37.50
PHY-272L Analytical Physics II Lab 8 4 10.50 20.00
PHY-272L Analytical Physics Lab 4 2 15.50 20.00
PHY-301 Theoretical Mechanics 6 6 11.67 30.00
PHY-313 Thermal Physics 8 8 13.62 30.00
PHY-330 Electricity & Magnetism 4 4 13.75 27.50
PHY-399T ST: Optics Laboratory 1 1 5.00 20.00
PHY-399T.2 The Physics of Music 1 1 16.00 20.00
PHY-400 Quantum Physics 7 6 14.71 27.43
PHY-494 Advanced Mechanics Topics 1 1 2.00 2.00
PHY-496 Astronomy Research 1 1 3.00 5.00
PHY-496 Independent Research-Astronomy 6 6 1.83 5.00
PHY-496 Photometry of Variable Stars 1 1 1.00 5.00
POE-100 Essentials American Government 6 6 35.67 39.17
POE-105 Career Exploration in POE 2 2 19.00 30.00
POE-120 International Politics 12 12 29.67 30.92
POE-130 Global Issues 6 5 17.83 30.00
POE-140 Privilege and Oppression 2 2 17.50 25.00
POE-150 Poverty in Africa & Asia 1 1 14.00 25.00
POE-199 Model UN I - 1st 6WKS 2 2 15.50 40.00
POE-199 Model United Nations I 5 5 12.00 32.00
POE-205 Social Order and Disorder 1 1 10.00 25.00
POE-241 Introduction to Public Policy 8 8 35.62 39.88
POE-250 Introduction to Political Phil 13 13 26.31 28.38
POE-255 Intro Pol Phil Through Plato 3 3 13.33 25.00
POE-260 Comparative Politics 4 4 20.75 26.25
POE-263 Intro to Political Economy 9 9 24.33 29.78
POE-263 Introduction/Political Economy 6 6 21.83 30.00
POE-299 Evidence, Proof, & Knowledge 7 7 22.71 30.00
POE-299T Social Democracy 1 1 7.00 15.00
POE-299T.4 Political Econ of Foreign Aid 2 1 13.00 15.00
POE-300 Constitutional Law I 8 8 17.00 25.00
POE-301 Constitutional Law II 3 3 11.67 25.00
POE-302 Economic Development 1 1 32.00 25.00
POE-304 Presidential Election of 2012 1 1 20.00 25.00
POE-304 Presidential Election of 2016 1 1 21.00 25.00
POE-305 Theories of Democracy 3 3 5.33 10.00
POE-307 The Legislative Process 3 3 12.00 23.33
POE-309 The American Presidency 4 4 16.25 26.25
POE-310 Mock Supreme Court 3 3 8.67 9.00
POE-311 Federalists & Anti-Federalists 2 2 8.00 18.00
POE-312 Macroeconomic Policy 1 1 6.00 25.00
POE-321 Comparative Economics 2 2 19.50 30.00
POE-326 Myths of the Free Market 1 1 13.00 25.00
POE-335 International Law 1 1 11.00 30.00
POE-339 Environmental Policy Analysis 5 5 23.40 27.00
POE-340 Health Care Policy 1 1 15.00 25.00
POE-343 Politics & Ethics Through Film 1 1 15.00 15.00
POE-350 Topics in Political Philsophy 3 3 8.67 25.00
POE-350.1 Topics/Politicl Phi:Nietzsche 2 2 9.50 20.00
POE-350.3 Relatnl Feminst Political Phil 4 4 9.75 10.00
POE-351 Political Econ of Development 3 3 9.67 25.00
POE-351 Politics/Developing Countries 4 4 22.25 28.75
POE-360 Comparative Politics 3 3 20.00 26.67
POE-362 Gender and Development 1 1 6.00 25.00
POE-364 State & Local Politics 4 4 12.00 24.00
POE-368 African Political Economy 2 2 9.50 25.00
POE-370 Political Economy of China 4 4 13.00 23.75
POE-374 Political Economy-SE Asia 3 3 15.00 25.00
POE-374 Political Economy/SE Asia 1 1 6.00 7.00
POE-376 International Economics 2 2 18.50 30.00
POE-380 International Political Econ 6 6 13.00 25.83
POE-389 Ecological Economics 1 1 29.00 24.00
POE-392 Field Research Methods 2 2 9.00 20.00
POE-399 Model United Nations II 5 5 9.00 22.40
POE-399T Special Topics: Interntl. Law 1 1 11.00 25.00
POE-399T Special Topics: No.& So. Korea 1 1 8.00 25.00
POE-399T.05 SpTp:Envirnt Polit/N Thailand 1 1 6.00 6.00
POE-498 Senior Sem: Political Economy 4 4 10.00 25.00
POE-498 Senior Seminar:Politics& Econ 3 3 12.00 30.00
POE-499 SR Sem: Int’l Political Econ 5 5 10.80 19.80
POE-499 SrSem:Internatnl Political Ec 2 2 8.50 25.00
PSY-100 General Psychology 37 11 31.27 36.49
PSY-100D Intro/Psych Discussion Sem 4 1 20.75 25.00
PSY-101 Intro to Psychological Science 30 8 34.33 34.17
PSY-105 Explorations in Psychology 2 2 36.00 35.00
PSY-128 Human Sexuality & Intimacy 5 5 44.00 36.00
PSY-199T.2 Applied Behavior & Learning 2 2 14.00 30.00
PSY-201 Developmental Psychology 2 1 23.00 30.00
PSY-201 Intro/Developmental Psychology 18 13 35.33 34.72
PSY-202 Biological Psychology 2 1 7.50 25.00
PSY-202 Intro to Biological Psychology 22 13 24.00 26.05
PSY-203 Cognitive Psychology 1 1 21.00 35.00
PSY-203 Intro to Cognitive Psychology 11 10 29.45 29.09
PSY-206 Social Psychology 18 12 29.50 33.89
PSY-221 Educational Psychology 11 10 22.64 30.45
PSY-254 Psychology & the Movies 1 1 34.00 35.00
PSY-299T Applied Behavior and Learning 1 1 14.00 25.00
PSY-299T.1 Positive Psychology 1 1 10.00 30.00
PSY-301 Development of Personality 6 6 40.83 30.00
PSY-310 Applied Stats/Behaviorl Scienc 2 2 10.00 15.00
PSY-312 Research Design & Analysis I 12 8 21.00 22.92
PSY-312L Research Des & Analysis I Lab 12 8 21.08 22.92
PSY-313 Research Design & Analysis II 7 6 10.57 15.00
PSY-313L Research Des & Analysis II Lab 6 5 9.83 16.50
PSY-314 Qualitative Research Methods 6 5 14.50 25.83
PSY-320 Advanced Topics in Cognition 1 1 9.00 15.00
PSY-330 Intro to Neuropsychology 6 6 23.50 23.00
PSY-330 Neuropsychology 1 1 12.00 25.00
PSY-331 Intro to Psychopharmacology 1 1 8.00 25.00
PSY-336 Psych of Human Vision 1 1 27.00 25.00
PSY-336 Psychology and the Movies 1 1 30.00 21.00
PSY-340 Psych of Child Development 8 8 24.12 27.50
PSY-341 Psych of Adolescent Developmnt 6 6 23.83 28.00
PSY-350 Intro Psychological Counseling 7 7 31.14 28.29
PSY-360 Environmental Psychology 1 1 22.00 20.00
PSY-364 Community Psychology 1 1 19.00 20.00
PSY-370 Health Psych & Behavioral Med 9 8 31.56 29.33
PSY-395 Professional Pathways in PSY 4 4 23.00 27.50
PSY-397 Vallivue High Counseling INT 1 1 1.00 5.00
PSY-397 Women’s Crisis Center 1 1 1.00 5.00
PSY-399T Community Psychology 1 1 11.00 30.00
PSY-399T Exprncs of Intersectionality 1 1 12.00 30.00
PSY-399T Infancy 1 1 10.00 30.00
PSY-399T Intro to Counseling Skills 1 1 15.00 15.00
PSY-399T Intro. to Counseling Skills 1 1 21.00 15.00
PSY-399T Making of Mind 2 2 16.50 25.00
PSY-399T Media Psychology 1 1 24.00 25.00
PSY-399T Psych of Criminal Behavior 1 1 25.00 25.00
PSY-399T Psych of Human-Animal Bond 1 1 15.00 14.00
PSY-399T ST: Intro to Trauma Advocacy 2 1 5.00 10.00
PSY-399T St: Perception Through Movies 1 1 25.00 25.00
PSY-399T Vision Through the Movies 1 1 27.00 25.00
PSY-399T Vision and the Movies 1 1 26.00 24.00
PSY-399T.4 ‘Film Noir’/Shadow & Psych 1 1 4.00 25.00
PSY-399T.8 ST: Relaionships in Help Prof 1 1 12.00 15.00
PSY-399T.8 SpecTop:Relationshp Help Prof 6 6 7.83 15.00
PSY-404 Abnormal Psychology 11 10 32.00 28.45
PSY-407 Intro to Forensic Psychology 5 5 24.20 29.00
PSY-410 Media Psychology 3 2 25.00 25.00
PSY-490 Qualitative Senior Project 2 2 6.00 15.00
PSY-492 Quantitative Senior Project 2 2 9.50 15.00
PSY-496 Collaborative Research 9 7 1.11 3.00
PSY-497 Camp Hodia to Service Clubs 1 1 1.00 15.00
PSY-497 Counseling Research Intern 1 1 1.00 15.00
PSY-497 Psychology in Coaching 1 1 1.00 15.00
PSY-497 Special Programs 1 1 1.00 15.00
PSY-497 YMCA Grant Dev. Intern 1 1 1.00 15.00
PSY-498 Psychology Capstone 10 9 23.00 22.70
REL-100 Intro to Religious Studies 4 2 25.25 27.00
REL-100 Intro to World Religions 15 6 20.27 24.73
REL-112 New Testament Introduction 10 9 22.90 26.80
REL-113 Hebrew Bible 1 1 8.00 24.00
REL-115 Introduction/Buddhist Studies 3 2 28.33 26.67
REL-202 Christianity 4 4 19.25 24.25
REL-203 Buddhism 6 6 18.67 24.17
REL-204 Islam 2 2 22.50 24.50
REL-206 Judaism 3 3 7.67 24.00
REL-207 Hinduism 5 3 18.20 24.00
REL-210 Japanese Religions 1 1 23.00 24.00
REL-212 Buddhism in America 1 1 26.00 25.00
REL-220 Christian Spirituality 4 4 19.25 22.75
REL-251 Religion & Science 2 1 25.00 25.00
REL-251.1 Theology & the Sciences 1 1 28.00 25.00
REL-300 Zen 1 1 28.00 24.00
REL-303 Islam:His, Practices, Beliefs 1 1 15.00 24.00
REL-340 Buddhism and Gender 1 1 5.00 18.00
REL-340 Self in Indian Philosophy 1 1 5.00 18.00
REL-340 Topics in Religion: Hinduism 1 1 15.00 24.00
REL-340 Yoga and the Yoga Sutras 1 1 2.00 18.00
REL-340.3 Topics: Spiritual Developmnt 2 2 9.00 24.50
REL-343 Relig& the State/Late Im China 1 1 4.00 12.00
REL-348 Religion and Science 4 4 26.50 24.00
REL-349 Religion and Nature 1 1 25.00 24.00
REL-350 Religion and Ethics 4 4 22.00 24.00
REL-351 Philosophy of Religion 1 1 10.00 12.00
REL-363 The Rise of Christianity 1 1 12.00 24.00
REL-368 Jewish History 1 1 10.00 24.00
REL-378 Liberation Theology 1 1 1.00 12.00
REL-398 Writing in Religion 3 3 4.00 10.00
REL-498 Religious Studies Seminar 1 1 2.00 15.00
REL-498 Religous Studies Seminar 5 5 9.40 22.80
REL-499 Senior Thesis 1 1 2.00 24.00
SOC-100 Introduction to Sociology 13 13 35.46 35.38
SOC-130 A Supposedly Fun Thing 4 4 20.75 30.00
SOC-220 Community Corrections 1 1 25.00 30.00
SOC-299T CJ Processes and Culture 1 1 24.00 25.00
SOC-299T Community Corrections 1 1 10.00 25.00
SOC-299T Criminal Justice Processes 1 1 7.00 30.00
SOC-299T Intro to Criminal Justice 3 3 23.33 26.67
SOC-304 The Sociology of Religion 4 4 16.75 30.00
SOC-320 Family Sociology 6 6 28.83 30.00
SOC-325 Social Interaction & Microsoc 3 3 14.33 31.67
SOC-330 Criminology 1 1 27.00 25.00
SOC-330 Criminology and Deviance 7 7 30.00 34.29
SOC-340 Cultural Criminology 1 1 7.00 20.00
SOC-349 Social Stratification 5 5 28.40 29.00
SOC-360 Race & Ethnic Relations 1 1 16.00 40.00
SOC-399T Comparative Justice 1 1 5.00 25.00
SOC-399T Comparative Justice Systems 1 1 3.00 25.00
SOC-399T Race, Ethnicity & Gender 1 1 19.00 25.00
SOC-480 Sociological Theories 4 4 17.00 27.50
SOC-490 Seminar in Social Research 2 2 3.50 12.50
SPA-101 Spanish Language & Culture I 27 11 15.19 20.00
SPA-101 Spanish Language& Culture I 8 2 17.25 20.00
SPA-101REV Spanish Gram& Phonetic Review 11 6 11.27 19.09
SPA-102 Spanish Language & Culture II 17 8 15.12 20.00
SPA-102 Spanish Language& Culture II 8 2 18.00 20.00
SPA-201 Spanish Language& Culture III 18 11 14.06 20.00
SPA-202 Spanish Language & Culture IV 15 11 13.67 20.33
SPA-202 Spanish Language& Culture IV 2 2 16.00 20.00
SPA-210 Intro to Span for Healthcare 1 1 5.00 12.00
SPA-235 Spanish for Heritage Speakers 7 7 8.14 20.00
SPA-299 Intermed Readings in Spanish 4 4 11.75 18.75
SPA-300 Second Year Grammar Review 4 4 6.50 15.00
SPA-301 Spanish Comp & Conversation 6 3 12.33 20.00
SPA-301 Spanish Comp & Conversation I 2 1 17.50 20.00
SPA-301 Spanish Comp& Conversation I 2 2 25.00 20.00
SPA-302 Spanish Comp & Conversation 6 3 10.50 20.00
SPA-302 Spanish Comp & Conversation II 2 1 21.50 20.00
SPA-302 Spanish Comp& Conversation II 3 2 15.00 20.00
SPA-305 Professions & Practices 2 2 6.50 17.50
SPA-307 Caribbean North/Central Am Lit 1 1 13.00 20.00
SPA-308 Peninsular and South Am Lit 1 1 5.00 20.00
SPA-310 Adv Span for Healthcare 1 1 7.00 12.00
SPA-332 Film in Spanish-Speaking World 2 2 10.00 15.00
SPA-333 Literature of Latin America 3 3 11.00 15.00
SPA-334 Literature of Spain 3 3 7.67 15.00
SPA-340 Nat’l Traditions Spanish-Speak 2 2 7.50 15.00
SPA-342 Latin American Indigenous Stds 1 1 13.00 20.00
SPA-350 Transatlantic Lit and Society 2 2 7.50 15.00
SPA-399T Latin American Literature 1 1 5.00 15.00
SPA-402 Genre Studies 1 1 3.00 15.00
SPA-411 U.S. Latino/A Literature 3 3 6.67 15.00
SPA-412 Latin American Indigenous Stds 1 1 3.00 15.00
SPA-421 Transatlantic Lit and Society 1 1 8.00 15.00
SPA-422 Southern Cone 1 1 8.00 20.00
SPA-437 Span Lit & Soc:narrative& Film 1 1 7.00 15.00
SPA-437 Span Lit& Soc:Narrative& Film 1 1 8.00 15.00
SPA-437 Span Lit/Soc:Narrative & Film 1 1 5.00 25.00
SPA-438 Span Lit& Soc:Poet,Drama,Song 1 1 14.00 25.00
SPA-438 Span Lit/Soc:Poet,Drama,Song 1 1 3.00 20.00
SPA-490 Spanish Major Capstone 5 5 3.80 20.00
SPE-101 Basic Public Speaking 11 11 17.91 23.27
SPE-199 Debate I 33 18 3.52 30.61
SPE-201 Foundations Oral Communication 5 5 10.40 25.20
SPE-201 Foundations/Oral Communication 1 1 29.00 30.00
SPE-240 Rhetorical Criticism 2 2 6.50 25.00
SPE-245 Critical Cultural Methodology 1 1 5.00 24.00
SPE-301 Oral Argumentation 4 4 5.50 27.25
SPE-305 Paradigms - Intercultural Comm 4 3 6.25 24.25
SPE-306 Comm Gender & Sexuality 1 1 15.00 24.00
SPE-310 Philosophy of Communication 1 1 9.00 25.00
SPE-399 Debate II 14 14 3.57 30.00
STS-110 Effective Studying 7 5 11.71 12.86
STS-110F Effective Studying 8 4 13.12 18.50
STS-110W Effective Studying 1 1 3.00 15.00
THE-110 Play Reading & Discussion 13 13 10.31 21.15
THE-115 Introduction to Theatre 4 4 23.00 33.75
THE-115 Theatre Appreciation 5 5 15.80 31.00
THE-140 Stagecraft 15 15 9.53 14.40
THE-140L Stage Craft Lab 55 15 2.62 6.27
THE-200 Introduction to Film Studies 13 8 32.15 39.38
THE-201 Play Analysis 7 6 11.57 18.43
THE-210 Stage Makeup 6 5 8.67 12.00
THE-211 Costume Skills 9 9 5.78 6.44
THE-215 Acting Fundamentals 8 8 11.00 13.88
THE-215 Fundamentals of Acting 9 7 14.22 13.78
THE-216 Voice & Diction 1 1 14.00 14.00
THE-216 Voice and Diction 2 2 6.00 14.00
THE-240 Theatre Ensemble 91 15 3.08 8.74
THE-250 Scenic Painting 2 2 8.50 13.00
THE-260 Stage Management 5 4 7.20 12.00
THE-280 Stages of Playwriting 1 1 2.00 10.00
THE-291 Stage Combat 3 3 11.33 16.67
THE-299T ST: Stages of Playwriting 1 1 9.00 12.00
THE-302 Applied Theatre: Lighting 4 4 1.00 12.00
THE-303 Applied Theatre: Costuming 7 7 1.29 8.86
THE-304 Applied Theatre: Management 6 6 1.00 10.00
THE-305 Applied Theatre: Acting 6 6 1.83 16.00
THE-306 Applied Theatre: Scenery 11 11 2.45 16.55
THE-310 Costume Design 2 2 5.50 16.00
THE-311 Lighting Design 3 3 3.33 10.00
THE-315 Principles of Directing 7 7 5.86 14.00
THE-316 Acting Period Styles 1 1 7.00 12.00
THE-320 Theatre History I 2 2 10.00 22.50
THE-321 Theatre History II 2 2 9.00 17.00
THE-340 Scenic Design 2 2 6.00 18.50
THE-355 Acting Shakespeare 1 1 13.00 14.00
THE-390 Creative Drama 2 2 10.00 14.00
THE-398 Theatre Capstone 1 1 1.00 25.00
THE-398 Theatre Minor Capstone Writing 11 11 2.27 23.18
THE-415 Acting Contemporary Scene Stds 2 2 9.00 14.00
THE-415 Advanced Acting & Scene Study 1 1 10.00 14.00
THE-490 Theatre Senior Project 13 11 4.46 10.85
THE-491 Theatre Senior Project 6 4 3.50 8.50
TWC-300 Leadership Forum 1 1 5.00 5.00
TWC-300 The Washington Center Course 1 1 5.00 5.00
TWC-397 Washington Center Internship 1 1 5.00 5.00

This at least allows the entire table to be read by someone without taking over the page. However, if you need to give non-technical people a table of data for them to really use (sort by a column, search or filter) then this is miserable - you might as well just send them a spreadsheet!


If you’ve ever used Shiny and seen table output, then you’ve seen the DT package at work. DT is an interface for the datatables javascript library for R and makes it easy to provide an interactive table of data to your audience.

I needed to proved the enrollment summary to a group of other faculty and each member of the group would need to look at different sets of courses in the table to accomplish their work. This means they need something interactive, with sorting and searching capability - and I needed more than just this table. Here’s how easy it is in DT (at least inside a RMarkdown html document):

enrollSummary %>% datatable(rownames = FALSE, filter = "top")

You’ll notice there’s no table, that’s because the dataTables javaScript has a conflict with Hugo. Yihui Xie shows two solutions in the appendix of the blogdown book. I’m opting for the widgetFrame solution so I don’t have to mess with Hugo internals, but this means we need to load the library and send our datatable into a widgetframe:


enrollSummary %>% datatable(rownames = FALSE, filter = "top", options = list(pageLength=5)) %>%
  frameWidget(height = 550, width = "100%")

As typical in R, rownames=FALSE prevents row indices from being displayed, and filter="top" puts the filter capabilities at the top of each column. I’ve also customized the items per page so the table would fit inside the iFrame (from frameWidget). You can do a lot more customization if you want, even going all the way to custom javaScript/html/css for specific parts of the table. Now there’s no excuse for passing around spreadsheets or for having huge unreadable tables.
