PCA Overview

This post is primarily to give the basic overview of principal components analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction and regression. I wanted to create it as a guide for my regression students who may find it useful for their projects. First, let’s note the two main times that you may want to use PCA - dimensionality reduction (reducing variables in a dataset) and removing colinearity issues. These are not exclusive problems, often you want to do both. However, depending on the data, PCA will ensure a lack of colinearity among the principal components but may not be able to use less variables in subsequent models.

Basic Idea

Before getting into real examples, let’s look at what PCA does in 2 dimensions. I’ll generate some highly correlated data and compute the principal components, and we’ll make it easy to predict the components. My data will be related by \(y=3*x+1+\epsilon\), where \(\epsilon\) is normally distributed random error. This means that the greatest variation in my data should be along the line \(y=3x+1\), which should give the first principal component. The second (and final in the 2-D case) will be along the perpendicular line \(y=\frac{-1}{3}x+b\).

library(dplyr) #pipes and df manipulation
library(ggplot2) #graphing
library(patchwork) #graph layout

x <- seq(from=1, to=10, length.out = 100)
rn <- rnorm(100, mean=0, sd=1.25) #random error
y <- 3*x+1+rn 
df <- data.frame(x, y)

#compute principal components
pcdf <- prcomp(df)

#graph data and pc's
data.graph <- ggplot(df, aes(x=x,y=y))+geom_point()+
  ggtitle("Original Data")
pc.graph <- ggplot(as.data.frame(pcdf$x), aes(x=PC1, y=PC2))+
  geom_point()+ggtitle("Data in PC-space")


Notice how the correlation between \(x\) and \(y\) vanishes when looking at the data with axes aligned along the principal components - now PC1 and PC2 provide non-colinear data to us in regression. Furthermore, the sdev element of pcdf tells use how much of the standard deviation (and hence variance) is explained by each component:

## [1] 0.997359167 0.002640833

So PC1 accounts for almost all of the variance seen in the original data. This isn’t surprising given how the data was made, it is so highly correlated that the data is basically one-dimensional and PCA has found that. With higher dimensional data, a \(scree~plot\) is useful to see how additional components explain more variance:

  component = 1:length(pcdf$sdev), 
  explained.var.pct = pcdf$sdev^2/sum(pcdf$sdev^2)
  aes(x=component, y=cumsum(explained.var.pct)))+
    geom_line()+ylab("Total Percent Variance Explained")

Now, what about the relationship in our data (\(y=3x+1\)) and the principal components? The rotation element of pcdf gives us a matrix of eigenvectors that tells use how to turn a point in the original \(xy\)-plane into a point in the \(PC1PC2\)-plane. The second row of the rotation matrix divided by the first (\(y/x\)) gives use slopes of almost \(3\) and \(\frac{-1}{3}\) (the difference is the random error I’ve added to the data). The principal components are just a new basis (in the linear algebra sense), each column is a unit vector and the columns are orthogonal to each-other, so in two-dimensions the slope determines a unit vector. In higher dimensions this gets more complicated, but the rotation matrix columns still give us the direction vector for the principal components. If you remember multivariate calculus, you can turn a direction vector into a line in higher dimensions.

A Real Example

I’ll load data from sb3tnzv, which has data about the content of certain molecules in a certain species of sagebrush (this is related to a collaboration with a biochemist).

sb <- read.csv("../../static/files/sb3tnzv.csv", header=TRUE)
id species browsed CYP1A.grouse.micr CYP1A.human.micr SB02 SB03 SB05 SB07 SB09 SB10 SB11 SB12 SB13 SB14 SB15 SB16 SB17 SB18 SB19 SB20 SB22 SB23 SB24 SB26 SB28 SB29 SB30 SB31 SB32 SB34 SB36 SB37 SB38 SB39 SB40 SB41 SB42 SB43 SB44 SB45 SB45s SB46 SB47 SB48
105 3T NB NA NA 0.0000 629.0214 565.9454 0 0.000 1510.473 618.7710 1389.2164 719.0859 370.6543 0 10076.76 0.000 0 26818.27 55521.95 7762.168 7988.484 0 29838.72 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 70267.00 109853.00 0.00 60935.48 0.00 0.000 5583.644 4029.331 76519.95
134 3T B NA NA 418.1162 787.7897 649.8425 0 1825.224 0.000 749.1660 1629.1661 815.1082 495.5262 0 13573.21 1406.067 0 29028.81 68483.62 9038.913 9783.465 0 30501.25 10599.994 7101.127 8305.438 0.000 4244.354 0 2289.997 13235.83 3617.598 5641.736 5766.007 67198.16 127896.20 71841.00 66638.00 17905.29 0.000 4631.608 7263.780 86716.27
154 3T NB 137.2 64.3 403.1469 654.3164 565.2982 0 0.000 1808.972 650.8421 1560.4817 1266.7593 0.0000 0 12916.54 0.000 0 37969.62 66222.91 8011.746 8014.458 0 25759.11 6783.765 6627.330 6373.151 0.000 4767.672 0 3078.736 15643.33 4111.693 5938.325 16812.998 59342.97 93693.29 69981.00 64628.00 18887.17 0.000 5405.461 4248.908 67234.19
182 3T NB 123.5 62.9 558.8956 1044.3494 0.0000 0 2590.590 0.000 1161.7732 1744.6504 902.3607 0.0000 0 10598.65 1635.713 0 32982.45 67699.61 8178.428 6533.004 0 27824.57 12031.102 6346.032 9447.529 0.000 5135.961 0 2169.135 0.00 6862.923 6174.927 23795.510 14001.83 20861.51 131440.00 147611.00 20330.75 0.000 4810.313 8282.686 80970.20
222 3T NB 161.0 74.1 254.2615 431.4813 445.9520 0 0.000 1078.684 447.0190 895.7186 594.2125 0.0000 0 16864.11 0.000 0 23013.96 47683.07 5734.898 7296.023 0 12866.58 3783.557 4826.480 5690.679 0.000 3626.880 0 0.000 11667.33 3201.437 5310.534 8928.760 21563.69 44012.07 20978.52 34732.02 0.00 7606.205 0.000 11376.954 25991.20
238 3T B 132.4 72.9 0.0000 668.8263 0.0000 0 0.000 854.496 332.0903 652.6357 99.0683 0.0000 0 22382.95 0.000 0 25243.57 68834.52 9652.101 6982.520 0 42749.88 0.000 4809.935 6726.340 4758.589 0.000 0 2101.150 0.00 3842.604 4641.517 15705.387 51669.16 90192.88 63978.74 88519.23 24585.34 0.000 5925.326 3597.326 88216.69

Each of the SB variables basically tells you how much of the molecule is in the sample and each number corresponds to a different molecule. Hopefully PCA will help reduce the number of variables. Let’s perform the PC computation and look at a scree plot.

sbpc <- prcomp(sb[,6:45], center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE)

  component = 1:length(sbpc$sdev), 
  explained.var.pct = sbpc$sdev^2/sum(sbpc$sdev^2)
  aes(x=component, y=cumsum(explained.var.pct)))+
    geom_line()+ylab("Total Percent Variance Explained")+
    ggtitle("Scree Plot of Sagebrush Data")

This shows that we can explain most of the variation in our data with far fewer variables than all the SB’s. It’s worth noting that I’ve removed all variables with zero variance already and am scaling and centering the data prior to performing the PCA computation - this is needed whenever different variables have vastly different scales.

We can now go about building models using the principal components instead of the original SB variables and we don’t have to worry about colinearity. Furthermore, the order of our components is in order of decreasing variance explained so we would build models using the PC’s in order (i.e. a model without PC1 but with other PC’s would be strange). The SB variables lack this aspect, but are more interpretable.
