Tidy Clouds

In my data visualization class I had the students get a book from Project Gutenberg using the gutenbergr package and build a word cloud using tidytext and wordcloud. It’s much easier that the “old” corpus/text mapping approach, and when the students were sharing their clouds they started showing the cloud and having students try to guess the book. This made me think of using a Shiny runtime to make a little word cloud guessing game.

Building Clouds

First, here’s the code to grab a book and build a word cloud with line-by-line comments but the code is pretty straight forward (especially if you’ve build a word cloud before).



cloud_from_book <- function(gutenberg_id){
  #download book using gutenbergr
  book <- gutenberg_download(gutenberg_id)
  #turn line per row into word per row
  Words <- unnest_tokens(book, word, text)
  #remove stop_words using the standard english stop_words
  WordsReduced <- anti_join(Words, stop_words)
  #turn word list into frequency table
  WRCount <- WordsReduced %>% count(word) %>% ungroup()
  #build wordcloud
  wordcloud(WRCount$word, WRCount$n, random.order = FALSE, max.words = 75, colors = brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))

Let’s test it out on a whale of a tale:


Shiny Clouds

To make this more interesting, we’ll turn this into an embedded shiny app. It will have a pretty simple design, two buttons: “New Book” and “Show Book Info”. Selecting “New Book” will update the wordcloud from a random gutenberg_id, while “Show Book Info” will reveal title and other book information.

Here’s the ui function which is pretty basic:

ui <- fluidPage(
   titlePanel("Random Book Word Cloud"),
        actionButton("new", "New Book"),
        actionButton("reveal", "Show Book Info")

And now the server function (assuming our cloud_from_book function is already defined). Tis is a little more complicated because of the reactive values to control the table of book info:

server <- function(input, output) {
   v<- reactiveValues(random_id=NULL, metaTab=NULL)
     v$random_id<-sample(gutenberg_metadata$gutenberg_id, 1)
     v$metaTab <- NULL
   observeEvent(input$reveal, {
     v$metaTab<-filter(gutenberg_metadata, gutenberg_id==v$random_id)[,2:3]
   output$distPlot <- renderPlot({

   output$BookInfo <- renderTable({

The reactiveValues function produces of list-like structure (the documentation words, not mine…) for reactive variables. Both the random_id and metaTab are NULL. When the New Book button is pressed, random_id is filled and metaTab is set to NULL (this resets the table of book info if it’s been shown). The Show Book Info button (aka input$reveal) doesn’t do anything to the random_id but fills the metaTab table. The if statements in the render* functions then control what is rendered and avoids error messages being printed.

Embedded App

If greyed out, scroll down and reconnect to server or the app is off because of my shinyapps.io limit.

knitr::include_app("https://jpreszler.shinyapps.io/Gutenberg-Clouds/", height = "600px")
