
Sankey Diagram

Update 7/23/2019 Various package updates have created problems with showing more than one javascript plot on a post. I’ve added calls to htlwidgets::onRender to get at least one plot displayed. I may revisit this, but the interaction between hugo, blogdown, and various javascript libraries (chorddiag, networkD3, D3, data tables, etc) is more than I’m able to dive into at the moment. This post is about a type of visualization the will hopefully help see how students “flow” through college.

What a Tangled Web We Weave...

Update 7/23/2019 Various package updates have created problems with showing more than one javascript plot on a post. I’ve added calls to htlwidgets::onRender to get at least one plot displayed. I may revisit this, but the interaction between hugo, blogdown, and various javascript libraries (chorddiag, networkD3, D3, data tables, etc) is more than I’m able to dive into at the moment. cd <- chorddiag( xtabs(~MAJOR+minor, data = mmhl[mmhl$Grad.