Pythonic SQL with SQLAlchemy

During my Applied Databases course in Spring 2019, I gave my students a choice of which language to use to interact with SQL and relational databases. They had already learned core SQL and I only gave them 3 options: C++, R, and Python. The choices of R and python are natural given my data science interests and experience. Last year I just showed them R and got some complaints on evaluations (some people don’t think R is a “real language”).

SQL in RMarkdown!

This semester I’m teaching Applied Databases for the first time and have been struggling with some notes and handouts for students; as well as simple, easy to use database interfaces that work well across platforms. I love RMarkdown, and today realized that knitr has an SQL code engine! Basic Syntax I often give handouts on SQL statements as we learn about them, so I need a nice way to show commands.